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Posts Tagged with "john coatsworth"

John Henry Coatsworth, the Provost of Columbia University, will resign from his position on June 30, 2019, according to an email sent out by University President Lee Bollinger early this morning.

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CAFA, the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid that governs CC/SEAS, has been made anew. It used to be under the Dean, but now it’s under the Provost. It used to have student reps, but now instead has professional school reps. There should be student reps on CAFA. Please make that happen, “student leaders.” Not […]

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Earlier this morning, The Eye published an article about shakeups in the upper echelons of the Columbia administration. The piece contained a couple of new nuggets in this seemingly never-ending story—including a summary of the infamous McKinsey report and changes to financial aid—but it can be difficult to keep track of everything that’s happened since […]

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In the latest installment of unexpected email announcements, PrezBo has just sent word that Interim Provost John Coatsworth will assume the permanent Provost position. Coatsworth, former SIPA dean, took over for Claude Steele on July 1, 2011, when Steele made the move out West to Stanford. Writes ‘Bo: “Provost is responsible for ensuring that the University’s […]

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Interim Provost John Coatsworth and Senior Executive Vice President Robert Kasdin sent an email a moment ago “to provide basic guidance in recognizing and responding to behavioral warning signs for potential threats to community safety.” Though the incident is not mentioned explicitly, one cannot help but be reminded of the tragic shooting that occurred earlier […]

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President Bollinger just sent out an email announcing that John Henry Coatsworth, current Dean of SIPA and owner of the name to end all names, will assume the duties of University Provost starting July 1. With the recent loss of Claude Steele to Stanford, Coatsworth will serve as Interim Provost until PrezBo and “a small […]

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Coatsworth: once temporal, now forever. Coatsworth: That whole Ahmadinejad thing made stuff complicated for him Coatsworth, we’re sure, has appreciated all the work you’ve done for the Spectator Coatsworth has enjoyed both the Project Bluelight film and There Will Be Blood, though since Dreamgirls  he’s lost faith in the Oscars. “If chance may have me […]

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In an email sent to the entire Columbia community this afternoon President Bollinger officially announced the appointment of interim dean of the School of International and Public Affairs, John Coatsworth, as the new permanent head of SIPA.  PrezBo welcomed Professor Coatsworth to his new role by listing his myriad academic accomplishments and suggesting how they […]

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