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Posts Tagged with "wallach art gallery"

Welcome back to campus, and welcome to new Bwog readers! “Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.

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Columbia School of the Arts’ Year of Water initiative continues with a symposium held by the Wallach Art Gallery on Saturday.

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Surprise! Columbia is actually a bit more cultured that you might think: we have a gallery! Bwogger Peyton Ayers brings you a detailed review of  Columbia’s very own Wallach Art Gallery’s latest exhibition.

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You’ve seen the tattered blue banner, but have you ever ventured to Schermerhorn’s own Wallach Art Gallery? Fresh off the success of last year’s Romare Bearden exhibition, the gallery now plays host to an impressive selection of etchings and engravings by Dutch master Rembrandt van Rinj. Amsterdam Bureau Chief Henry Litwhiler investigates. Few media lend themselves to […]

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We sent Culture Connoisseur Julia Goodman to check out the latest exhibit at the Wallach Art Gallery, running through March 15. If you like art and have never been to the Wallach Art Gallery, you’re missing out. Personally I had never set foot in it before going to check out the current exhibition entitled Goddess, Heroine, […]

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The First Year MFA exhibition of the Columbia School of the Arts at the Wallach Gallery (located, naturally, in Schermerhorn) ended yesterday. Entitled And after a pause, it continued, the exhibition was first brought to Bwog’s attention by a tipped picture of what looked eerily like something Booth Jonathan would create and then trap a girl inside. […]

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On a recent gray, midterm-y Wednesday, intrepid Bwoggers Helen Bao and Allie Curry  visited “Sightlines,” the first exhibition of the season at the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery (that’s the 8th floor of Schermerhorn.) Here, they tell us about it. First of all: Schermerhorn is confusing. To get there from the stairs: Enter […]

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