Allow us a personal anecdote, gentle reader. A few weeks ago, Bwog was sitting in a tire on the floor of our friend’s mom’s minivan, heading out of town for the weekend with a few friends. We spoke about Bacchanal, and suggested a few artists to our Bacchanal-affiliated-pal in the backseat: NOFX and blink-182, one friend, […]
Freshmen won’t learn about this ’till CC next year, but it’s time to participate in a few time-honored traditions: making fun of fresh-people CCSC candidates, and voting in real-people elections on Primary Day. 2014 CCSC campaigning began about a half hour ago, so expect to see a lot of posters outside the smokers’ benches at […]
While the official Census Day (April 1) has come and gone, it’s not too late to fill one out and send it in–civic duty, people! (And you should be getting Census materials from your RA any day now, anyway.) While you’re doing that, the Columbia Queer Alliance has asked you to consider–and protest–this Census’ absence […]
You have one hour and 45 minutes. Lerner Hall until 9:00 PM.
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025