The Class of 2014 has begun to trickle in.
Bwog extends a warm welcome to the COÖP fresh-people currently spending their first night at Columbia sleeping under the huge Convocation tent on South Lawn. Bwog found COÖP leaders and freshmen in a semi-circle on the lawn this evening, singing “Roar, Lion, Roar” together. One “fearless leader,” as his shirt advertised, had a buzzcut with COÖP (sans diaresis) shaved into it.
Athletes and RAs are already moved in. Five days till the rest of 2014 shows up, ten days ’till the rest of us move in.
Find below the first evidence of life on campus since Commencement.
- COÖP revelry
- Picture it now, the fight for the last blue bin
- Bird’s nest in Butler– perhaps Hawkma is settling down for the new year
@hair-cutter/fearless leader it actually said “BOP”, not COÖP
@2011 what about the CUE people? why didn’t they get a post? should’ve gotten one
@cue? what about RA’s?!
@Ugh.... I feel so OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@CC I second the motion.
@Harmony Hunter OMG I FINALLY FOUND HARMONY!!!!11!!
@Harmony Hunter wait no actually oops, that was Ham Del where’s harmony?
@Harmony Hunter Oh wait nevermind, it WAS Harmony and not Ham Del, I’m only partially literate.
@Harmony Hunter wait no actually ops, that was Ham Del where’s harmony?
@Anonymous WOW thank you track button. I was about to go cry for you, lost soul.
@Harmony Hunter where’s harmony hall do any freshmen know? maybe they heard about it from an orientation event.
@Anonymous It’s on 110th just off of Broadway on the south side of the road. I’m living there this fall so stop by and I would be happy to give you a tour!
@Anonymous Ladies, ladies, ladies
@Dentist The left side of my face is now numb. Bring forth the drills!
@Keep us posted.
@Me too!! I just got a filling! Haven’t had one in 10 years too…
@I am At the dentist and about to get a filling!
@'11 i am incredibly creeped out by this. i refuse to be a senior…
@also cue’s been here since last sunday
@i hate those kids already.
@alum sigh, me too
@alum I wish I were a freshman again.
@Yo Andy Whitfield needs to recover from Hodgkins ASAP because season 1 Spartacus was amazing.
@Goddamn this is depressing. I have 2 seasons of Mad Men and 6 episodes of Boston Med to go.
@Alum This makes me miss Columbia! Good luck, freshmen!
@Seriously? 10:04 PM?!?!!? Do they pay you over hours?
@Hans They don’t even let me sleep.