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Posts Tagged with "coop"

CCSC discusses NSOP, ISOP, COOP, and the alphabet soup that makes up Columbia’s pre-orientation programs.

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Columbia and Barnard have announced a finalized academic calendar for the 2020-2021 school year. The pre-orientation programs for first-years have either been canceled or will be held online.

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Ade Balogun thinks that you should ask out your crush, but most importantly, that you should go vegetarian.

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This weekend was one for the books, friends. Whether you wound up covered in glitter, sweat your ass off at Sig Chi, or just stayed in to avoid the cold, it seems Bwog has covered all the bases. Check out this weekend’s field notes. Beauty is pain: Bruised the bottom of my feet from jumping […]

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Bwog was recently tipped a fact sheet with information on the proposed cuts to COÖP. The text of the fact sheet is outlined below with the actual sheet after the jump. Program Fee: $450 Participant costs per program (using 2015 expenses) HOP: $464 per participant ROP: $508 per participant BOP: $662 per participant Need-based scholarships […]

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COÖP, the Columbia Outdoor Orientation Program, is currently in danger – not from bears, mosquitoes, or climate change, but from the Columbia administration itself. One of our staff writers explains why the administration is considering cutting part of COÖP, and why that might be the wrong move. As much as there is to love about being […]

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The administrative leader of COÖP—a.k.a. the Columbia University Outdoor Orientation Program, a.k.a. that program where prefrosh go into the wilderness and come out best friends—has made the decision that the program will accept Barnard students. COÖP has, since it began in 1983, not been integrated with Barnard, and many COÖP-ers have expressed concerns about the impact of […]

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COÖP Is Here!

The newest freshpersons have arrived on campus! Look at them luxuriating in the shade of this Convocation tent and probably preparing to sing Roar, Lion, Roar and eat only hummus for four days. They head out to the woods tomorrow to make the best friends anyone on has ever had in the history of the […]

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SGA: Participation Edition

Next year, a program called the “Forum” will be held in the Diana, according to a guest from Student Life. The program will emphasize public speaking and take the form of a Roman forum. The guest hopes that the event will become part of Barnard tradition. SGA is looking into the possibility of Barnard’s participation […]

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It Begins!

The Class of 2014 has begun to trickle in. Bwog extends a warm welcome to the COÖP fresh-people currently spending their first night at Columbia sleeping under the huge Convocation tent on South Lawn. Bwog found COÖP leaders and freshmen in a semi-circle on the lawn this evening, singing “Roar, Lion, Roar” together. One “fearless […]

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Fresh-faced 2013ers smile for the camera after arriving for COOP. – Photo by Char Smullyan

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And when you think of style, you think of our good friends over at COÖP. Registration for the hiking/biking/rafting orientation experience of your dreams is up and running, with a deadline of July 20. After you complete that, start planning on how to smuggle a cell phone along – it’s what all the cool kids […]

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The savages depart

CO HOPpers, BOPpers, and ROPpers left this morning on their respective journeys, casting nervous glances skyward at the gathering rain clouds (sorry guys), not to return until the night before the rest of 2010 moves in. Other than torrential rains, may neither bears, bugs, nor homicidal escaped convicts ruin your excellent adventures!

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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