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Tipster Tedde Tsang sends photos Bwog’s way of some sort of bizarre, international students mating ritual, performed last night at 11 PM on the 4th floor of the IAB. You remember 11 PM last night, don’t you? It was the hour you accidentally fell asleep in Butler while leaning against an empty Redbull can. Also […]

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Boo dearth of housing for GS kids.  Hooray Manhattanville! Boo hateful speech on Juicy Campus.  Hooray censorship! Boo unclear CUIT back up policies.  Hooray transparency on the Information Super Highway! Boo rigid Physics major requirements. Hooray to superficial study of sciences through opinion columns! Boo plagiarism scandal.  Hooray record donation?!  

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This afternoon and at 8 PM tonight, the CU players present Absurdité, a two hour-long presentation of three short plays by Christopher Durang and one by Eugene Ionesco. The performances of the four plays surpass mere tributes.  Showing remarkable creative vision, the four directors produced innovative adaptations of Durang and Ionesco’s works and successfully guided […]

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Astronomy department chair, Varsity Show character and Bwog birthday party guest David Helfand will be giving a guided tour “to the edge of space and time” at the Guggenheim tonight.  Explains the museum’s website: “Light particles from the depths of space tell us how the history of the universe began, and most likely how it […]

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For those of you unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the Columbia creative community or a certain 2002 HBO miniseries, Project Bluelight is a CUArts/CCSC-sponsored short-film contest in which screenwriters submit scripts and the selected material is then made into a movie. Project Bluelight the brainchild of Michael Molina and Jeff Schwartz, both CC […]

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Strictly Ballroom

Want to avoid doing your reading for another hour? SEAS 2008 Class President Eash  Cumarasamy has an idea for you: “The Class of 2008 is holding a study break right now for seniors in preparation for Winter Gala this Wednesday.  We’re serving hors d’oeuvres and there are tons of masquerade ball masks for people to […]

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The completion of the George Krebs CCSC ticket is… complete. Laura Doan, CC ’09, has joined the team as VP of Funding. Doan joins a ticket featuring Krebs, Adil Ahmed, Robyn Burgess, and Ian Solsky. Candidate declaration forms are due on March 6th, and the Alidad Damooei camp remains conspicuously silent.  

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Which comments were responses to which Bwog articles? We’re trusting you not to cheat: a. “Chickens are arguably as intelligent as dogs or cats, yet if someone treated his pets the way that chickens are abused on factory farms, he would be taken to court.” b. “Motherfucker got narcolepsy, falling asleep at 7:48.” c. “I […]

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Sidewalk evangelism

If you’re coming out of the 116th Street subway stop, be prepared to be serenaded and accosted by some Bible studiers singing melodiously, wielding an array of folk instruments and distributing colorful fliers with butterflies on them. Pop LitHum quiz: They quote from the one non-synoptic Gospel, which one is it?

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Want some theater this weekend? First, read a review of Mark Twain’s play “Is He Dead?”! Then, take advantage of  CUarts Initiative  $20 ticket offer!   Given Mark Twain’s archetypal place in American Literature, it’s no surprise that his recently unearthed play, “Is He Dead?” is attracting large crowds.   But the characteristic wit that the audience […]

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Though Hawkmadinejad’s activities of late have been carefully recorded and analyzed, much of his pre-Furnald-lawn history remains shrouded in mystery and chaos. An ornithologically-inclined tipster, however, points us in the direction of a possible paternal identification:  “Hawkmadinejad is most likely the son of Pale Male, the first raptor bird of NYC, who nested on the […]

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On Sundays, most spots in Butler are taken—some by busy students, others by a pile of cough syrup bottles and a piece of toilet paper with “IF U TOUCH MY STUFF I KILL U!” scrawled on it in red ink. This is the first in what will hopefully be a recurring Saturday series offering possible […]

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Need a study break? Put down the text and feast your eyes on these Saturday morning classics. It’s Saturday morning and if you want a slow start to your day, you’ve come to the right web address.   Today on Bwog, we do a tribute to our Technicolor friends of yesteryear. Yes that’s right – today […]

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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