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Posts Tagged with "cartoons"

As midterms draw in and ruin everyone’s lives, Bwog staff writer Gabrielle Kloppers is here with some more procrastination for you. Don’t you wish you could go back to your childhood, before you discovered Contemporary Civilizations readings and Calculus exams? With Bwog’s cartoon playlist, you can. Watch all of Over the Garden Wall. You can […]

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Bwog’s foreign cartoon correspondent, Jamila Barra, continues to supply Columbians with her artistic renditions of daily life in Argentina. While studying Spanish abroad, she has been playing with different artistic styles and wishes to give the finals-facing student body some summer vibes. We are all inclined to thank Jamila for reminding us that even though […]

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Ever wonder the critical reasoning process of certain Barnard students? Fret no more! Bwog’s resident cartoonist Julia Stern can take you on her comic tour of  a stream of consciousness fueled by gender equality, sex seminars, and Margaret Mead. In Julia’s “Grin and Bear It” cartoon series— based on the MyLifeIsBarnard Twitter feed, watch how […]

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Today’s Bwoglines challenge the things you love most: Cartoons: Pinocchio should be punished, Spongebob will destroy our children (Slate, Atlantic) Cigarettes: The future of smoking is e-cigarettes. (NYMag) Sex: Has been displaced by Facebook. (Gizmodo) World History: It’s whatever. (New Yorker) Take-Out: It’s evil! (Gothamist) Emoticons: Sometimes they look like vaginas. (NYT) Google: Is actually taking over the world. (WSJ) There’s one exception! Beavis and Butthead […]

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Think your life is Barnard? Well, there’s no knowing for sure until you cross reference it against the itemized guide below, inspired by the Twitter account and brought to life by Cartoon Architect and Sensational Satirist Julia Stern:

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Spring is Fickle

While you slept a slushpocalypse swept away the spring that almost was:

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Sean Udell and the relentless POTUS Project have not given up hope. As part of the ongoing effort to bring President Obama back to his alma mater for Commencement, Jody Zellman penned this persuasive cartoon. Given that PrezBO/Bama might not read Bwog, POTUS is also sending a copy direct to the White House.

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FYI Columbia: the promise of wireless rooms may come to fruition–but not without a caveat.  Today from 10am to 2pm, CUIT will stop by EC, Harmony, Shapiro and 47 Claremont to review the buildings for potential wireless installations over the summer. An email from CUIT includes this cryptic message: “Also please be aware that there […]

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If you are funny or like to draw or are at all interested in becoming a Bwog Cartoonist, email this very moment! We’re looking for cartoonists interested in helping out with brainstorming and illustrating our Saturday Morning Cartoons feature. No previous experience required; we won’t make you do a lot of work. Image via […]

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It returns! Back by popular demand, Bwog brings you Saturday Morning Cartoons. Sit back with your bowl o’ Cookie Crisp and revisit your inner child.

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There’s nothing like a Saturday morning trad to get your weekend off right.  Wrap up in your comforter and scroll down for a smattering of cartoons from this week – Enjoy!   “I’m nothing, and yet I’m all I can think about.” By William Hamilton from The New Yorker

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Another dreary Saturday morning in November brings you another cheerful edition of Saturday morning cartoons – this time in bigger and more legible font! Enjoy!     “I love just hanging out in my favorite chair.” By Edward Koren from The New Yorker

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For some Sunday morning is a sacred time. For Columbia scholars, however, leisurely  brunches and other holier Sunday morning traditions are often sullied by Saturday night’s hangover and Monday’s looming deadlines.  But, remember it’s only Saturday and today must borrow nothing of tomorrow! So this drizzly November morning, Bwog offers a spread of cartoons to […]

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Need a study break? Put down the text and feast your eyes on these Saturday morning classics. It’s Saturday morning and if you want a slow start to your day, you’ve come to the right web address.   Today on Bwog, we do a tribute to our Technicolor friends of yesteryear. Yes that’s right – today […]

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War of Words, on War

Last night, Columbia poli-sci professors Robert Jervis and Richard Betts tag-teamed Mount St. Vincent’s College’s Joseph Skelly on the situation in Iraq and Bwog artist Rachel Lindsay was on scene. This one was begging for a cartoon.  

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