The good ole’ days.

For many, today is another day within the eye of the storm. For those with random makeup exams and the half of the freshman class in FroSci, console yourself as you lie in bed with the fact that you’ll be one exam closer to freedom. As always, email about your strange neighbor in Butler or that out-of-context sentence overheard in John Jay.

Bwogline: Columbia’s a cappella groups are hotter than hot right now, as Uptown Vocal performed at the White House last week. For everyone who doesn’t get gigs like this on random Tuesdays: look at your life, look at your choices.

Finals Tip: Listening to “On My Own” does in fact count as studying French, and it is in fact about you/your upcoming exam.

Procrastinate: While you’re looking forward to going home and seeing your pets family, beware of any group pictures ending up like these.

Overheard: From Oren’s, and we wish you this feeling in the coming days:

“Even unconsciously, I’m smart. And that’s really great.”

Sweet, innocent you via Shutterstock