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Posts Tagged with "a cappella"

Have you ever willingly seen a Columbia a cappella group perform? Probably not. Have you ever watched Glee? Also a probable no. Have you ever wondered what Glee characters certain Columbia a cappella groups would be? A most definite never. Nevertheless, here’s the thing you never knew you wanted…

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Kick off your weekend right by attending the biggest event of the fall semester, Night Market! There will be a variety of performances, such as a cappella, lion dance, sketch comedy, and bhangra. Be sure to stop by Low Plaza at 6 pm to see some amazing talent and grab some grub.   night market […]

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Do you care about a cappella on campus? Neither do we, but it’s final concert season, and we thought we’d take a look at the different groups on campus who are funded by our student life fees and air out some of our gripes. Disclaimer (added 6:45 pm): This post is entirely satirical, entirely based […]

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Columbia’s got a decent-sized campus, so one would think that finding rehearsal and performance space would be a fairly easy task for our many performing arts groups. Unfortunately, with a constantly-increasing number of groups vying for space, and the Columbia bureaucracy doing what the Columbia bureaucracy does best (i.e. creating complications), the task is far […]

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An a Capella aficionado visited the joint concert of a Capella groups at schools that share “Bears” as a mascot. Alliteration with the letter “b,” punny group names, and a bucketload of talent guaranteed.  Last night, Barnard Bacchantae and the Brown Bear Necessities took to Low Steps for a short concert, serenading the school back from […]

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Bwog music guru Shreyas Manohar brings you his coverage of the world’s first Hindi a cappella group, Penn Masala. The Penn Masala concert organised by club Zamana was a difficult concert to sit through because of all the important life choices I had to make. Do I get up on my chair and cheer like a […]

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This past Thursday, Columbia/Barnard’s Jewish a cappella group Pizmon jammed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in honor of Chanukah, Presidents, America, and the end of the semester. Maybe not the last one, but you get the celebratory idea. Bwog does not speak Hebrew so we never really know what Pizmon is saying, but man do we […]

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Where Art Thou?

“I’m glad we had the times together just to laugh and sing a song; seems like we just got started and then before you know it, the times we had together were gone.”–Dr. Seuss or Carol Burnett or whoever. Someone definitely had the right idea, so go to one of these arts events—compiled by the […]

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For many, today is another day within the eye of the storm. For those with random makeup exams and the half of the freshman class in FroSci, console yourself as you lie in bed with the fact that you’ll be one exam closer to freedom. As always, email about your strange neighbor in Butler […]

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Last year Ben Platt, CC ’16, landed a major role in the college a cappella comedy Pitch Perfect, which is set to release in early October. Now he’s settling into the college community and singing in Columbia’s Nonsequitur group. Bwog’s Film Fanatic, Alison Herman, caught up with the budding celebrity… Bwog: When did you start singing […]

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Mark Hay relates the story of the controversy surrounding the formation of new A Cappella group Sharp this past fall. Read this and more in the upcoming April issue of The Blue & White. When Columbia got a new a cappella group this past fall, most people didn’t think twice. A cappella groups, though perhaps […]

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