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Posts Tagged with "uptown vocal"

Daily Editor Lucia Towne attended Uptown Vocal’s Midsemester Cabaret on Saturday, February 25 at 8 pm in the Wien Lounge.

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On Tuesday, Arts Editor Riva Weinstein attended Uptown Vocal’s fall concert, S-UV-erstition, in Wein Lounge. She gives her thoughts below. It’s apple cider season. Wien Lounge is cozy and faux-candlelit, and students mill around as we wait for the performance, pouring drinks and nabbing candy. Uptown Vocal mills around the piano in a cluster of […]

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Do you care about a cappella on campus? Neither do we, but it’s final concert season, and we thought we’d take a look at the different groups on campus who are funded by our student life fees and air out some of our gripes. Disclaimer (added 6:45 pm): This post is entirely satirical, entirely based […]

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Take another break with another talented a capella group. This time, we’ve got some jazzy performances from Uptown Vocal.  Pump yourself up thinking about Bond, James Bond:

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September is national chicken month, so naturally beloved Columbia a cappella group Uptown Vocal—last seen performing at the White House—sang about chicken on Fox News. Over the weekend, Popeye’s sponsored Uptown Vocal to the tune of $700 (and free chicken), transforming them into the “Love That Chicken From Popeyes Chorus.” As part of the promotion, […]

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For many, today is another day within the eye of the storm. For those with random makeup exams and the half of the freshman class in FroSci, console yourself as you lie in bed with the fact that you’ll be one exam closer to freedom. As always, email about your strange neighbor in Butler […]

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