Learn about yourself this week
Today is the fifth-going-on-fiftieth day of NSOP, and while your mandatory events and forced friendships seem to be killing you softly, don’t give up hope! Use this time to familiarize yourself with your campus, your peers, and your uni (seriously, memorize that ASAP). Other don’ts for the fifth day of NSOP: hook up with a floor-mate, visit home, use all of your meal swipes. But here’s one more: don’t worry if you have done one (or three) of these things — this isn’t Bwog’s first time around the block!
Thursday’s Highlights:
- The EcoReps Green Sale is today! If your room is missing any essential items (like a fridge or hangers), skip the Uber to Target and head over to the Wein Lounge instead. You will find everything you need for a fraction of the price, and can pocket the money you save to buy a fake instead. The sale is from 9 AM to 4 PM, so find some time between your mandatory programming to make it to this equally important event.
- Today is also the Met’s game! Even if you are not a big baseball fan, this event will still be pretty fun. This is from 5-11 PM, but if you are one of the 1,000 students who arrive right on time, you could have a chance of going on the field. But no worries if you can’t; the game doesn’t start until 7:10, giving you plenty of time to figure out how to swipe your metro card if you *still* haven’t left MoHi since Sunday.
One Thing To Do Before Graduating: Watch the sunset in Riverside park! Whether you are with your lover or just some bud(s), this is the perfect place to take advantage of the views afforded by your new residence on the west side.
From the Archives: While Orgo Night is a tradition that does not take place until the end of each semester, reading past scripts is an entertaining way to recap major campus events. Here is last semester’s, which touches on Tampongate, the fucking statue, and more.