Most bagels, when they turn twenty years old, grow stale and moldy, but not this one. Our own bagel is twenty years old and beautiful and thriving. She is a beautiful bagel and a perfect bagel in chief. Here is photographic evidence of her thriving. I found every single picture on my phone and computer that I could in my exhausted state. This is my favorite bagel and also my favorite titty. By my, I mean Bwog’s. Please wish her a happy birthday by texting her, messaging her, commenting, emailing,,, etc. Happy birthday, Amara! We Love You!!!
- This is from our party at Alma Bwogger’s suite
- This is also from our party at Alma Bwogger’s suite
- This picture is from Christmas 2016 right before we went on a trip down Amsterdam Avenue after a party at Alma Bwogger’s suite
- This is from the evening when Bagel In Chief fed Deputy Editor Youngweon gluten-free lentil pasta and fried tofu and like two whole broccolis
- This is from when Bagel In Chief brought an entire pineapple to meeting
- I don’t know what this caption means but we are beautiful
- We are all very happy to be with each other
@sarah dahl Love u guys
@Joe Milholland Happy Birthday Amara!
Bwog has A+ recently.
@Joe Milholland *has been A+ recently.
@bagel in question thx guys ;’)
@a loving bread connoisseur bagels fuckin rule. i luv u guys
@Anonymous It’s really spelled “Baked Hole”, Bagel is just Brooklynese
@ximena youngweon wat kinda repportin is this
@hard hitting journalism buff is this journalism