It’s another day of shattered hearts and broken dreams. It’s . . . Housing™.
Columbia Edition:
If you’re a sophomore with a horrible lottery number (see: me) or a freshman with a decent one, you’ve probably been refreshing the live Room Selection tracker nonstop over the past three days. You may also have been checking Bwog’s Twitter thread of live housing updates. If not, then we’re here to help bring you up to speed.
- So close, yet so already occupied.
Corridor singles, we’re sorry to report, are selling faster than hand sanitizer. Corridor doubles, however, remain amply supplied. For specifics, see below:
What’s Gone:
- Watt studio doubles!
What’s Left:
- 6 7-person Claremont suites
- 53 corridor doubles in Nuss (no walk-throughs)
- 18 corridor singles in Broadway
- 33 corridor doubles in Broadway
- 40 corridor doubles in Carlton
- 26 corridor singles in Harmony
- 4 corridor doubles in Harmony (none picked today)
- 21 corridor singles in Schapiro
- 84 corridor doubles in Schapiro (none picked today)
- 48 corridor singles in Wien
- 39 corridor doubles in Wien (none picked today)
- 17 corridor singles in McBain
- 178 corridor doubles in McBain (none picked today, obviously)
- 39 corridor singles in Furnald (rising sophomores only)
What’s Scarce:
- 3 corridor doubles in EC
- 3 corridor singles in Carlton
Looking Forward:
It ain’t looking great for sophomores selecting as individuals. But never fear—you might just wind up with a 70 sq ft Harmony single. Just kidding, those don’t exist. But you’ll still probably wind up with a single.
People choosing doubles in the next few days have some fair options left. Broadway, Nuss, and Schapiro doubles are still fair game. Same goes for Wein, Carlton, and McBain—even Harmony. And don’t forget about those six 7-person suites left in Claremont. You could do a lot worse.
Items to watch tomorrow and the next day are Furnald singles (take note, freshmen!) and doubles with good views in Nuss and Schapiro. I’d also keep an eye on the remaining 7-person Claremont suites. It’s kinda weird that those haven’t gone yet. Maybe people don’t like numbers that rhyme with eleven. Go figure.
Anyway, 加油!
Barnard Edition:
The end is near with the conclusion of Barnard’s 6-person lottery today! Unfortunately, although groups were assigned lottery slots tomorrow, none of them will be able to pick since all suites were claimed today. We saw some interesting trends and differences from last year that caused a bunch of all rising-sophomore groups to miss out on a suite. But to everyone who got one, congratulations! To those who didn’t, it looks like the 123 lottery is in your future.
How do you interpret the cutoffs? It’s Group Value/Lottery Number. So for example, 200/73 means that you are a group of all rising juniors with a lottery number of 73 overall.
What’s the difference between this year and last year?
The biggest difference we saw this year was the cutoffs. Last year, the last group to pick had a value of 100/91, which meant an all-sophomore group with a lottery number of 91. This year, the last suite was chosen by 100/81, an all-sophomore group with a number of 81. The biggest reason this happened is that fewer suites with higher numbers didn’t pick.
Based on Barnard’s spreadsheet, only 1 group decided not to chose during their time, while the rest did. While this is just speculation, I might say this is due to the results of the 4-person and 5-person. As junior groups and mixed sophomore-junior groups were largely skipped over in those lotteries, groups decided they didn’t want to risk being at the mercy of the 123 lottery.
Additionally, this year we saw an increase in mixed sophomore-junior groups, as people realized that sophomores were more likely to take a double or be in a random suite and be guaranteed a slot rather than have a less than 50% chance of even picking. This year, 20 out of the 53 all sophomore groups were able to choose, with the rest being sent to the 123–with last years being more of an even split.
What’s next?
Friday marks the last day of creating 123 groups! This means that you and your friend can go in together as a group of two and either pick into a double together or separate singles. However, if you go in as an individual, you can only choose singles and cannot pick into a random empty double–so choose wisely!
With no SR-123 lottery this year, we’re interested to see how it will go and whether anything will change this year in terms of cutoffs, what goes first, and more. Based on previous years, Sulz Tower singles will be the hot commodity for seniors and will go solely to them. However, there are still plenty of singles in Hewitt, as well as singles in suites you can choose as well. Doubles tend to go later, and you have your choice of Sulz Tower doubles, a few doubles in Hewitt, and doubles scattered throughout suites.
Good luck to everyone!
Relevant Skyline via Wikimedia Commons
Watt via Bwog Archive
Broadway Hall via Bwog Archive
Graphs via Bwogger