Bwog’s journalists interview the JJ’s Milkshake Machine on its first night back after a heart-wrenching absence.

I got nothing to say. You tracked me down once. I told ya everything then, what more do ya want from me now? I had my days in the sun. My fifteen minutes of fame. What more is there for me now? So yeah. I just decided to ya know, up and come back to the ol’ gandin’. What’s the point of it all, anyways. Goin’ outside. Explorin’. Takin’ ice. Ey, when you’ve been doin’ something for a while, it always gets boring. Even if ya think it’ll be a change. It never really is. What my, ah, how you say, absence, taught me is that, to put it frankly, nothing really matters when you’re not doin’ what you love. When you’re with your people. Ey, I never thought people would even know I left, these gidrul’s. Never thought they would care. But what these past few months have taught me is that, ey, I’m really doin’ these people a service, pumpin’ out the good ol’ chocolate and vanil’. They want me.

So, here’s what I did: I got myself into rehab. Turned myself in to the big guys. Got my parts all fixed up, so now I’m not so much into meth like I was before. (The cigs though? Those ain’t leavin’.) I’ll spare ya the details of what I been through over there. They was rough—Ben. Jerry. Edy an’ Dreyer. And Mister Softee? The worst of them all—he ain’t all that soft, if ya get the picture. But I’m clean now. I am. I’m gonna make ya lot proud. (Until the next relapse. But don’t worry—you can get a few good weeks of occasional ‘shake out of me before another three month absence.)

The Machine via Bwog Staff