The Barnard housing gods continue to wreak havoc in the fourth day of the 123 lottery.

Barnard’s housing selection process has now spanned seven days total, with today marking the third day of the 123 Lottery. After today’s selections, all rising juniors have made their housing choice and the first of the rising sophomore groups have also made their selections. The guaranteed list is going strong—42 groups (majority groups of 1) opted for the list in the face of a complete lack of singles. Rising sophomores selected into a variety of buildings, so there are still rooms left in several different places. However, at this point, there are only 65 rooms left and 95 groups who have yet to select a room. Stay strong, everyone. 

What’s gone: All singles have unfortunately long been selected. As for building availability, Sulz Tower has joined 121 and is now also completely full. Many of the remaining 110 doubles were scooped up today, along with 1 of the 110 triples and a handful of 600, 616, and 620 doubles. 

What’s left: If you’re hoping for a suite-style double, have no fear. There are still a variety of suite-style rooms to choose from, with 14 in Plimpton, 8 in 600, 7 in 620, 5 in 110, and a whopping 3 in Cathedral Gardens. Those who are interested in a corridor-style double can choose from the 15 rooms left in Elliott and 1 room left in Hewitt. The brave souls looking for a triple still have 6 rooms in 110 to pick from. 

Looking ahead: Groups of 2, don’t fret. There are still many doubles and buildings to pick from, especially if you have an early selection slot tomorrow. Rising sophomores seeking a single, your best bet is to select a double in a building you like and let fate step in, or join the masses already on the guaranteed list. Unfortunately, it seems that unless you’re the rogue remaining group of 3, you probably won’t get your first choice building. But there are still plenty of great options left, so don’t lose hope quite yet. Good luck to those awaiting their selection time! 

Plimpton Hall via Bwarchives