GS student Isaac Colyer-Pena passed away, according to an email that Lisa Rosen-Metsch, Dean of the School of General Studies, sent to the Columbia community this morning.

On Monday morning, Dean Lisa Rosen-Metsch informed Columbia students that Isaac Colyer-Pena, a student in the school of General Studies, passed away last Wednesday, June 28th

Originally from Evans, Georgia, Isaac joined the Columbia community in the fall of 2021 after transferring from Hunter College. Those that knew him describe how Isaac embodied resilience and never strayed from his love of learning no matter the obstacles. Isaac was charismatic and intelligent, with a curious mind and natural ability in mathematics. He was known for his kindness and compassion, notably early on in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dean Rosen-Metsch’s email also provided links to resources for Columbia students in times of need. The links are provided below.

Email sent to General Studies students from Dean Rosen-Metsch on Monday, July 1, at 11:01 am: 

Dear GS Students,

With deep sadness, I write to inform you of the loss of a member of our GS community, Isaac Colyer-Pena. Originally from Evans, Georgia, Isaac first enrolled at Columbia GS in the fall of 2021, having transferred from Hunter College. The son of a U.S. Army veteran, Isaac personified the resilience that defines GS students, never losing sight of his passion for learning, despite the challenges life presented.Those who knew him best described Isaac as a charismatic and bright young man with an inquisitive nature and natural talent for mathematics. They spoke also of his kindness and compassion, especially during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The loss of a member of our community is always difficult and our thoughts and compassion are with Isaac’s loved ones in this difficult time. I also want to remind all of us that we are not alone in dealing with loss. The entire staff at Columbia GS, as well as our colleagues throughout the campus, are available to offer continued support to GS students. 

There are a number of resources available to you: Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) is available via the number below. As always, you can reach out to your academic advisor directly, and members of the Office of the University Chaplain are all available to provide you with additional support. I have listed contact information and additional resources below.

With deepest sympathy,

Lisa Rosen-Metsch

Dean and Professor

The GS Wellbeing Team 

The Wellbeing team is available to offer support and guidance through the Dean of Students Office at GS:

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS)

CPS provides 24/7 phone support available through on-call service, which is accessed by calling (212) 854-2878 and following the recorded directions.

Center for Religious Life

The Earl Hall Center for Religious Life may be reached for spiritual counseling at (646) 906-5913 (Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET and by appointment after hours and during the weekends). For those on campus, Earl Hall and Saint Paul’s Chapel are open from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, for prayer and reflection.

Office of University Life

Butler Library at Dusk via Bwarchives