Remember in third grade when neon rubber earrings from Claire’s were, like, the coolest thing, like, ever?
I don’t even think it bears repeating, but let’s just say that this weekend was weird. Like, weird. Random, drunk, and weird. Check out this weekend’s field notes.
Spur of the moment:
- Went to Claire’s to get an impromptu ear piercing and realized I didn’t have my real state ID to prove I was over 18… so I used my fake.
- Danced to an impromptu samba set-up in the 14th street subway station.
- Took the bus from Columbia to Washington Heights and made friends with a Yeshiva University student on the bus.
- Pulled a wild all nighter on thursday night during which I brought a coffee machine to Butler and Ubered to the Apple store on 5th ave.
- Happened across the cutest pizza place on the upper west side with my bestest friend (during happy hour!) and enjoyed the greatest early dinner and drinks.
- Entered Beta for the first time since freshman year. It was still classic Beta, which is both impressive and disconcerting.
- Sprinted through Riverside Park at 2 am while loudly (and drunkenly) singing along to Neil Cicierega music.
- Left my number for the waiter on Mel’s on my dinner receipt. He texted me inviting me to come back later that night for a free drink. I never went.
- Hooked up with a cute boy I met at Beta who turned out to be a grad student. He also gave me his number and a very nice goodbye hug (even though I said bye very awkwardly).
Alcohol is weird:
- Created a mixed drink with Belvedere and Bai5 in my swell water bottle and reached peak whiteness.
- Found a half empty handle of Fireball in the Carman service elevator. Proceeded to take shots straight from the bottle and pass it around with other people in the elevator. First thought this morning was not “Where did that come from and why did I drink it” but “Wow lit, can’t wait to finish it.”
- Coined the term “Beta juice.”
- Drank a whole bottle of cheap white wine and spent an hour in John JJ’s eating pasta and mozzarella sticks.
- Spent enough on alcohol at Amigos to get free tequila shots at the end of the “meal.” Also wasn’t that worth it.
- Borrowed my suitemate’s water bottle with the express purpose of day drinking.
- Got drunk off of one cocktail at 6 pm.
Photo of adult hell via Premier Outlet.