If Butler’s claustrophobia and competitiveness isn’t your idea of a great study atmosphere, CQA informs us that the LGBT lounge in the Furnald Basement will be open from three to midnight for Tuesday through Thursday of reading week.
To those of you whose idea of studying doesn’t involve reading—and really, who even has that kind of time?—tune in to CTV’s Core Review series. A CU Players production of Agamemnon is scheduled for 4pm, followed by Lit Hum at 5pm both tomorrow and Thursday.
And for the lucky ones heading home already (or longingly dreaming of the day), visit the ESC-sponsored CarSplit and save yourself $20 en route to JFK. Northeasterners braving the train should sit tight, Bwog will re-run its travel tips post later in the week. In the meantime, we invite you to send more travel advice our way at bwog@columbia.edu.
@duh because they might catch gay
@cool site carsplit is a good idea. and easier than that one facebook group
@Carsplit... is not officially sponsored by the ESC for liability reasons. But the last time Carsplit ran, over 2,700 students used it.
@comfortable Hmm… I think some people might not feel entirely comfortable in an LGBT lounge.
@Why Because we have crazy meth-induced unprotected orgies, right?
It’s just another place to study that’s a bit more laid back than Butler. It’s a student space that is usually used as a room for LGBT groups on campus to hold meetings, and we’re opening it up during reading week because we know space in Butler can be limited. I don’t see any reason why someone would be uncomfortable in the lounge.
@Bus What about taking the M-60 to Lagaurdia, a little inconvenient but you can’t beat the price ($2).
@fudge Isn’t the LGBT lounge in Furnald a small room? Doesn’t it have sofas instead of tables and chairs? How is that conducive to studying?
@You're right! The LGBT Lounge IS more comfortable than Butler. Thanks for pointing that out.
Also, there are tables and chairs.