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Posts Tagged with "winter break"

Mouse-pocalypse Now

I’m just a little girl in a big city, and now there’s a dead mouse in my room?

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Construction work will take place throughout Barnard’s campus during Winter Break, mainly affecting Barnard Hall and Altschul Hall.

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As storms, staff shortages, and scheduling malfunctions swept the nation this winter break, many a Bwog staffer was delayed or stranded. Enjoy this compilation of their travel struggles!

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Traveling home for the holidays didn’t keep Bwog away from our usual shenanigans!

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This winter break, Bwog is going to work, work, work it out (if we make things right, the sun will shine [not really because we are now in the cold, bleak part of the year]).

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Starting this Friday (or perhaps starting already, if you’re lucky), you have an entire month to sleep, procrastinate, and sleep more, to recuperate from this crushing semester and prepare for the spring. In the interests of Columbia students taking advantage of the Netflix subscriptions that have been lying unused for the past few weeks, Bwog […]

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With the new semester upon us, Bwog takes a look back at winter break. No one seems to be happy on this rainy first day of classes, so we’ve decided to cheer you up! Winter Break was long overdue, but with break came its own challenges: Bwog gives you the rundown on what happened on our […]

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As all TV show addicts know, every new episode starts with a brief montage of important clips from the rest of the season, serving as a friendly reminder of all the action that’s taken place so far. For those of you who didn’t keep up CU sports over the break, this kind of recap might […]

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New Year’s Eve ball drop? Skating at Rockefeller Center? Going below 96th St? Your magical winter in New York may be jeopardized! For the first time, Columbia is requiring students to register in order to stay in housing over winter break. Registration is not only mandatory for entering your own dorm, but any Columbia residence […]

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In case you haven’t checked your Cubmail (or still need to forward it), Housing Services has a new system in place. You’ve got to register if you’re planning on staying around for any part of the December 23, 2010 to January 12th, 2011 (!) window. It does not cost any (more) money, just time. Log […]

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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. ESC reported that the tie in the freshman election was due to glitches in the voting system. After investigating the recent freshman election tie, the voting website only allowed student to select one class representative. This also explains the 14 vote tie between the two class rep […]

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A Winter’s Thanks

Dear readers, With the end of the exam period and the holiday season, Bwog is officially moving into winter break mode. Stick around, though: we’ll be updating the blog, of course, and announcing next year’s editorial staff in a few days. More importantly, we want to thank our readers for another successful semester. Students often […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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