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Posts Tagged with "the world outside butler"

It’s late April; soon, it will be May. Finals are approaching. We, too, have been spending most of our waking hours—and a few sleeping ones, too—growing paler and paler in Butler, where the existence of something called “sun” is just a vague rumor we overheard two freshmen gossiping about once. So there are really only […]

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But what’s the Columbia way? Depends what you want to do. If you want to learn about Plato, but do it decidedly off-campus, there must be a way! In that noble pursuit, Bwog presents a feature dedicated to the alternative ways to learn. All you have to do is take the subway. Drawing is a […]

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In July, we wrote about Kenneth Cole’s new and somewhat surprising friendship with Columbia. The details were slightly murky, but we knew that it was something to do with community service and a summer internship. Today, Deans Moody-Adams and Peña-Mora sent around an email officially announcing the Kenneth Cole Community Engagement Program. Prospective Kenneth Cole […]

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In need of summer housing? Re-thinking that Schapiro walk-through? Rent Obama’s former apartment on 109th between Amsterdam and Columbus. Yessiree: Apartment 3E in 142 West 109th Street is available, and will cost you $1,900 a month, a pretty steep increase from our Commander in Chief’s 1981 rent: $360. Gentrification is a thing! As David Remnick […]

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So this thing happened a few days ago. Hate it or love it, it’s here, and it will actually affect you. We’ve compiled some of the most immediate changes the bill creates, student-specific clauses, and a listed a few places to learn more about this extremely messy and important bill. Here are some of the […]

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Remember, there is a world out there beyond Columbia. If to you “the rest of the world” means “foreign affairs, please,” head to Pupin 214 at 7pm to hear world-renowned expert Jonathan Adelman discuss American and Israeli relations with Asia, sponsored by LionPAC and accompanied by free pizza. If, on the other hand, you believe […]

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Alumni tipster and Bwog loyalist Ed Hoffman informs us that James Franco has confirmed his exodus from 209 once and for all. After one student accused him of only frequenting the library to check out all the hot young things, poor Franco was forced to study in Dodge, where he had “to sit alone in […]

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Bwog’s fancy shmancy weather predictor tells us that this beautiful day is the last one we’re to see in a while (and by a while, we mean, 10 days).  The steps are looking nice and warm, and this would be a great opportunity to indulge a little before the workload (and the cloud cover) gets […]

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You’ve eaten your fill from three, count them — three feeding opportunities this morning.  Now, put a cap on this glorious day with four, yes, four campus concerts.  There’s something for every cynic. For those who’ve had enough of the sun or music written after 1950, there’s the air-conditioned Senior Choice Concert in Roone, put […]

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Today, as you sit in your lecture and scour the internet for something, anything, to distract you, Bwog suggests browsing the treasure trove of old time-y Morningside Heights and Columbia campus photographs here. Aside from the terrifying image on the right, one can find dozens of pictures of a Columbia your blessed legacy-bearing great-grandparents told […]

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The Lerner boardroom group sends us another photo, this time “as proof that not all hope it [sic] lost.” We’ll let you be the judge of that. Again, remember to send us the best of your study space/group, and/or any slightly insane sleep-deprived shenanigans. Good luck on today’s finals!

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Bwog’s received the following photos of students who’ve “camped out in the boardrooms on the 5th floor of Lerner for days on end.” These people, who apparently moonlight as Red Bull company employees, believe that their misery rivals that of their Butler-bound peers. If you think your study space is better/worse, send us the photos […]

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An hour of strolling through Butler these days is generally a fruitless mission: you are not guaranteed even one lonesome seat. Your classmates have resorted to cozy nooks on the floor, windowsills, and perches along the main stairwell to spread out their research and write papers, or drown themselves in textbook photocopies for finals prep. […]

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Bwog continues its tour of Butler alternatives today with an excursion to the Math and Science Library. Everyone knows that Avery is the Paul McCartney to Butler’s John Lennon: the second-most-famous one, the arguably better looking (or more aesthetically pleasing) one. Avery is gorgeous, it’s close, it’s quiet, there’s Brownies in the basement, there are […]

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The trek to the Gottesman Library at Teacher’s College was arduous, and TC itself a seemingly impenetrable maze.  Initially arriving at the wrong entrance, Bwog stood for several moments at an automatic door that refused to open. The bells at Riverside Church chimed ominously. Bwog eventually sheepishly located the entrance to the building, perhaps 15 […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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