Betsy Ladyzhets, like most college students, uses her school email pretty frequently. So, when her emails started mysteriously going to a strange hotmail account instead of to her, she was, understandably, less than pleased. Explanations for this phenomenon may or may not be forthcoming. Last week, I was applying for a work-study position for next […]
Last night, the Columbia MFA program concluded its creative writing lecture series with Saïd Sayrafiezadeh – acclaimed writer, professor at Hunter College and NYU, and man with a nearly unpronounceable last name. Betsy Ladyzhets – significantly less acclaimed writer, student at Barnard, and girl with a nearly unpronounceable last name – attended, and thinks she might have learned something. Saïd Sayrafiezadeh […]
Did you know that there’s a group of Columbia students travelling to NASA’s headquarters in Houston this spring? We didn’t either, until we heard about Columbia Space Initiative, CU’s newest space engineering club. Bwog writer Betsy Ladyzhets attended one of the group’s meetings and talked to them about their projects. In case you hadn’t heard, […]
One hundred years ago, Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves with his General Theory of Relativity. For years, Columbia researchers, including Prof. Szabi Marka, Dr. Zsuzsa Marka, and Dr. Imre Bartos, have been involved in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, a group of physics institutes and other research groups dedicated for the search of gravitational waves. […]
We all know that feeling: the reading for this class was really long and really difficult, and nobody could work up the motivation to actually get through it. But, unfortunately, your class is a seminar of fifteen people, and the professor is going to expect you to have a meaningful discussion about something literally nobody […]
Yesterday afternoon, Prof. Timothy Frye, CU political science professor and director of the Harriman Institute, presented his new paper about the popularity of infamous president Vladimir Putin – or, more specifically, whether or not this popularity was real or a trick of the Kremlin. Bwog writer and popularity seeker Betsy Ladyzhets was in attendance to […]
Bwog would be nothing without our commenters. You bring us up and you tear us down. You warm our cold, attention-seeking hearts and you catch our typos. You make the cruel, unforgiving life of covering the bad decisions of Columbia students worth living. So, as a tribute to our commenters over the past ten years, […]
Last night, Barnard Student Life hosted SisterSpit, an event that honored Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by bringing together renowned slam poets and Barnard and Columbia student poets to celebrate the power of spoken word. We sent Bwogger Betsy Ladyzhets to cover the event, and she managed to pull herself out of a state of […]
This is it. After weeks of anxious temperature-watching, our thermometers have dropped below thirty at last. And, you know what? We hate it. Bwog writer Betsy Ladyzhets explains why our current weather situation is a. terrible, and b. definitely the work of sadistic weather gods. After months of torturous back-and-forth between almost-cold weather and balmy wannabe-beach […]
During this trying time of finals, papers, and questioning every life decision you’ve ever made, Bwogger Betsy Ladyzhets offers a single piece of advice: if you value your emotional well-being, don’t go to Butler. It’s that time of year again. You have an important choice to make: do you put your emotional health and well-being […]
“XMAS!10: O Christmas, Where Art Thou?” is this year’s original, student-written holiday musical. Last night, Bwog writer (and Christmas-finder) Betsy Ladyzhets had the honor of attending the dress rehearsal, and abused that honor by nearly falling out of her chair several times because she was laughing too hard. XMAS!10 is playing tonight, in the Roone […]
Last night, the Columbia MFA Program hosted its final creative writing lecture of the semester, in which novelist Mat Johnson (CU School of the Arts ‘99) discussed story structure – what to do, what not to do, and what’s necessary to understand before you start. Betsy Ladyzhets, Bwog writer, creative writer, and drawer of many […]
Adding to the recent speculation surrounding the most famous teenage Obama, Bwog writer Betsy Ladyzhets takes you back to the early 1990s when another, lesser-known Obama attended the best women’s college in New York City. Malia Obama’s college decision is on everyone’s mind: her mind, her parents’ minds, and clearly the minds of the nation. […]
Late Wednesday night, Barnard quad residents became aware of a shocking phenomenon: there was bread on the bulletin boards. Not pictures of bread, not drawings of bread, not even holograms of bread, but real, actual slices of white bread attached with thumbtacks to the bulletin boards. The bread was first believed to be present on […]
This Friday marks the date of the dance group Orchesis’ big semester performance, entitled Roar Lion Rorchesis. Last night, Bwog writer and (more recently) dance enthusiast Betsy Ladyzhets was lucky enough to sit in on the group’s dress rehearsal. The performance will run twice tomorrow in the Roone Auditorium, at 7:30pm and 10pm. Tickets are […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025