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Posts Tagged with "orchesis"

Bwog reviews Orchesis’ spring showcase InterstellOrchesis, which ran for two performances in Roone Arledge Auditorium on Friday, April 5.

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Arts Editor Grace Novarr attended the 9:30 pm performance of DiscOrchesis on Friday, December 2.

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Staff Writer Sahmaya Busby went to the Glicker-Milstein Theater to view a Thursday rehearsal of MaMa 2022: Ad Astra, a graceful and impassioned astrologically-themed dance performance choreographed by Lauren Wilkins, CC ‘22.

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Bwog Daily Editor Peyton Ayers and Staff Writer Elle Ferguson give you the juicy details on Orchesis’ show in case you missed it or want to relive its glory. 

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There are so many performances on campus in the lead-up to finals that it can be hard to keep track of them all. Bwog is here to give you hand; we sent Bwogger Aliya Schneider to photograph (and eventually review) Orchesis’ semesterly show, because chances are you have at least one friend in it who […]

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New York City is packed with amazing culture and inspiring art, but sometimes it’s difficult to break the Morningside-bubble and experience it all first-hand. “Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined on campus. On campus: You’ve heard of Orchesis, now get ready for Love […]

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Last night in the Roone Auditorium, Orchesis performed Work Work Work Work Worchesis, a performance that lead to an “incredibly diverse and enjoyable night of art.” Bwogger Asya Sagnak reviews the performance, which will take place again tonight at 9 pm in the Roone Auditorium.  When I first found out about Orchesis being the largest performing […]

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Spotif-what? Spotif-y? Spotif-Orchesis? You heard right: campus dance group Orchesis did a play-on-words with their name and Spotify, and it sort of worked as a title. What DID work was the amazing talent and creativity in last night’s performance. Bwogger Jennifer Nugent dishes. Anyone at last night’s Orchesis dance performance is probably now low-key obsessed […]

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This Friday marks the date of the dance group Orchesis’ big semester performance, entitled Roar Lion Rorchesis. Last night, Bwog writer and (more recently) dance enthusiast Betsy Ladyzhets was lucky enough to sit in on the group’s dress rehearsal. The performance will run twice tomorrow in the Roone Auditorium, at 7:30pm and 10pm. Tickets are […]

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Last night, Orchesis premiered its fall showcase, “Maniac on the FloOrchesis.”  Dancing Dynamo Lili Brown brings you the play-by-play. Orchesis, Columbia’s largest student dance group, is back with another fall showcase that began last night at 8:30 pm and ends tonight with a 9 pm show in Roone. This year’s showcase brought over 100 Columbia […]

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Bwog loves to dance but unfortunately was not gifted with the moves. Luckily Orchesis held a performance last night: the tongue-twisting SupercalifragilisticexpialidOrchesis. Daily Editor Tatini Mal-Sarkar went to watch and ended up consumed with dance envy. Last night, I entered Roone to the dulcet tunes of Mary Poppins. The last dance performance I went to […]

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Some of your classmates are insanely talented at channeling their inner Michael Jacksons. The multidimensionally modern Madysen Luebke checked out this fall’s Orchesis production. Man in the Mirrorchesis was not this Bwogger’s first time seeing this dance group’s show.  Their performances have always been entertaining for dancers and non-dancers alike.  However, this semester did not stick […]

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Madysen Luebke, a wizard who “just hasn’t gotten her Hogwarts letter yet,” sat down and had the retinal signals of the Spring Orchesis performance relayed to her brain. Although the lack of Harry Potter was greatly disappointing (given the title), the Spring Orchesis performance still delivered a good dose of the headmaster’s charisma the audience […]

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