With talk of replacing Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill with a historically famous woman, Barnard hosted a discussion with US Treasurer Rosa Rios to talk about the process. Currency Connoisseur Betsy Ladyzhets headed over to the lecture and reports on the event. Yesterday evening, US Treasurer Rosa Rios sat down with Barnard economics professor Anja […]
We all know the feeling: you’re riding the subway down to Penn Station, you have half an hour before your train leaves, you’re desperately telling yourself that everything will be fine – and then, without even the slightest warning, the train just stops. It stops! Right in the middle of the track! Between stops! Is […]
I have to ask: if you weren’t in Havemeyer 309 last night between the hours of 8:30 and 11pm, then where were you? What could you have possibly been doing that was more interesting, more fulfilling, and more erotically satisfying than the 30th Annual Alfred Joyce Kilmer (Memorial) Bad Poetry Contest? Whatever excuse you might […]
Missing Gemini, the New Opera Workshop’s original musical this semester, opens tonight at the Lerner Black Box. Conceived by Christine Rosenblatt (BC ‘16), the production, set in a small seafaring town in the 1950s, follows a young woman on her journey to accepting the loss of her twin brother. Bwog writer (and Missing Gemini pianist) […]
We’ve all experienced them before, those extremely long and awkward moments during our freshmen year when some person we met at NSOP calls us out by name. Bwog Daily Betsy Ladyzhets is here to talk about such times in our series Awkward First-Year Moments. You’ve seen that person before. You have, you’re sure of it. You recognize […]
They say that college changes you. The experiences you have, the people you meet, and the mistakes you make these four years will shape who you are for years to come – whether for better, for worse, or for something not quite on that spectrum. And no better evidence of those changes can be found […]
Don’t feel as though you’ve been getting your fill of female angst lately? Does your life feel lacking in art, poetry, and beautiful words? If you answered yes to either of those questions, Bwogger Betsy Ladyzhets’ recounting of her experience at the Women Poets at Barnard reading last night is for you. I swept into the Sulzberger Parlor at […]
Can you handle today’s scary story, written by Daily Editor Betsy? Have a nightlight and a happy puppy video at the ready, ’cause you may not be able to sleep after this one. The sky is dark when you step out of Butler late one night. Buildings are dark, trees are dark – as though […]
Daily Editor Betsy Ladyzhets brings you the first installment of Awkward First-Year Things, a series about exactly what it sounds like. In this debut edition, we will be recounting an experience many of us know all too well: the overestimation of our own point status. You’re walking up to the second floor of the Diana Center, taking […]
Last night, Bwog was tipped about a girl standing in the grass on College Walk at about 9:45 P.M. You might wonder – what’s so special about that? Girls stand on college walk all the time, checking their phones, talking to their friends, or speed-eating Ferris take-out on their way to class. This girl, however, was […]
In the spirit of the neverending hell spiral of midterms, Bwog presents a list of motivational videos to help you get through that last chapter of chemistry, pile of French flashcards, or page of English essay, compiled by Betsy Ladyzhets. 1. The Japanese Fisherman who believes in you. There are so many people surrounding you […]
In this EventHop, Borscht-y Betsy has a cathartic experience while enjoying the finer things in life, i.e. Eastern European music and literature at the Italian Academy this week. When I stepped into the Italian Academy on Tuesday evening for an event called “Music & Literature Presents Dubravka Ugrešić and Victoria Polevá”, I had no idea […]
Next in our East Campus Archetype series: didn’t anyone tell this arts student that this is where the serious students hang out? The struggle of not knowing how to tell out-of-place creative types to take their poetry someplace else, presented by Betsy Ladyzhets. You’re heading to the Law Library when you spot her. She’s lying […]
A problem every student with long hair knows about: hair in the shower drains. Why is it so damn hard to clean up your own hair? Isn’t this what you do at home? Daily Editor Betsy Ladyzhets does some field research into the matter. There is hair in the shower drain. There is always hair […]
Daily Editor Betsy Ladyzhets braved the wilds of the free market for a talk with Gary Johnson, libertarian candidate for President and apparently very fit for a sexagenarian. When the president of the Columbia Libertarians introduced Gary Johnson last night, she described him as a man who believes in “liberalism in its truest sense.” This […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025