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Posts Tagged with "eventhop"

On Monday, February 6, as part of Columbia’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library’s Curatorial Shorts programming, author and urban culture documentarian Kurt Boone shared more about his collection of oral histories on mass incarceration.

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Last night, Publisher Zack Abrams attended the event Ethics in AI Content Generation hosted by the Journalism School. Here’s his report from the event.

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On Wednesday, October 14, journalist, author, and educator, Linda Villarosa, shared insights on medical inequality with the Barnard community in the second installment of the “Big Problems: Making Sense of 2020” lecture series.

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On Wednesday, September 16, noted author and feminist scholar Roxane Gay addressed the Barnard community, in the first of three lectures in the new “Big Problems: Making Sense of 2020” series. 

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Managing Editor Zack Abrams attended Wednesday’s event “400 Years: A conversation about Journalism, History, and the 1619 Project,” where Nikole Hannah-Jones and Jamelle Bouie of the New York Times answered questions from Columbia’s own Jelani Cobb about the 1619 Project, which reframes American history around the struggle for Black liberation. 

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Hate, The Media, And Me

Managing Editor Zack Abrams attended the IIJS and Journalism School’s panel, Don’t Panic, Don’t Ignore: How to Report on Hate, last night about the duty of journalists to report on hate and the difficulties and pitfalls that lie therein.

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Last night, The Forum hosted actress Lisa Dwan and author Margaret Atwood in a conversation about women, revenge, and awesome Scythian tattoos. Bwoggers Sarah Braner and Isabel Sepulveda were there to come to a verdict.

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This week, Columbia hosted a series of speakers to share some of their work examining interactions between storytelling and academia. Bwog Sports Editor Jana Jaran attended a conference session this morning with speakers connecting the idea of narrative to topics from gay marriage to artificial intelligence. 

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At a special edition of the Columbia Journalism School’s Film Fridays series, The Post was screened last night in Pulitzer, followed by a conversation with the film’s two screenwriters. EIC Betsy Ladyzhets (who found some of the film’s moments of miscommunication between WaPo’s EIC and publisher hitting a little too close to home) attended, and was appropriately inspired. […]

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Bwog Senior Staff Writer Ross Chapman went to the latest event put on by Columbia Astronomy Public Outreach. Here are his thoughts on Signal to Noise. Columbia Astronomy Public Outreach is one of the University’s strongest programs for engaging with students and the public through free and accessible lectures and shows. Their events run a gamut […]

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On Thursday evening, the Russian community of Columbia came out in high numbers to listen to and challenge Ksenia Sobchak, one of the opposition candidates running against Vladimir Putin in the upcoming Russian election. Betsy Ladyzhets, EIC and interested party whenever someone challenges Putin, was there to take copious notes and write belated coverage. When […]

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Last night, SisterSpit, “a night of storytelling and poetry” hosted by Barnard Student Life, kicked off the semester with powerful performances from students and guests alike. Staff Writer Zöe Sottile attended the event and wrote about her experience there. As its contribution to MLK Legacy Week, Barnard Student Life hosted its third annual SisterSpit yesterday. Though […]

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On Wednesday, Barnard’s Diana Event Oval hosted the women behind some of the most iconic visuals and sounds of last years Women’s March. Bwogger and Bwog photographer (Bwotographer?) Aliya Schneider attended the event and got the scoop on what it means to be a modern-day artist-activist. Joan Snitzer (Co-Chair and Director of Visual Arts, Art […]

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A group of Barnard Speaking Fellows hosted an event last night in honor of the launch of their new podcast, “The Speakeasy”. Betsy Ladyzhets, Bwog Editor and Writing Fellow, attended the event, and was both entranced and inspired by the podcast’s words. Last night, a group of Barnard Speaking Fellows led by Allison Emmet (BC […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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