Voting on SGA elections begins today, and this year, Barnard students will be voting on whether or not they believe Barnard should divest from eight companies that are associated with or support Israel. These certain companies were singled out in Columbia University Apartheid Divest’s campaign for divestment due to their involvement in and profit from […]
Didn’t get the Senior Scramble matches you were expecting? You weren’t the only one, and there may be a reason for that. Bwog has received numerous reports from seniors that they believe the Senior Scramble algorithm did not work correctly, and that they did not receive as many matches as they should have. For the […]
Alma Bwogger Rachel Deal sends an unsuccessful plea to JJs and the other Columbia dining halls to keep her ultimate drunk food, cereal, in stock at all times. In short: Get on Hewitt’s level. Cereal is one of my favorite foods, and I could eat it for every meal, probably. Need some breakfast? Cereal. Want something […]
Did you guys go to the “Columbia College Winter Celebration” tonight? Did you enjoy jockeying in an unruly hoard for free mugs and t-shirts as Deantini watched on with empty eyes? Did you feel like part of a community? Check out the cover photo for the Facebook event above–why is “and the opportunity to meet […]
We got to chill with PrezBo last night while he talked to students and answered questions at the Fireside Chat. Alma Bwogger Rachel Deal was there to tell you what he said and to get a pic with the man of the hour (who, as always, was squinting in the photo). Last night, President Bollinger […]
The New York Times reported yesterday that a graduate student is suing Columbia over “deliberate indifference” to claims of sexual harassment. The student, who remains anonymous, alleges that William V. Harris, a professor of Greco-Roman History, forced himself upon her, and that when she reported the harassment to colleagues and university officials, they did not […]
You asked, and we delivered. Here is our official ranking of all of the fraternities on campus.
Editor’s note: This article discusses and describes details of sexual assault. Amelia Roskin-Frazee, CC ’19, has filed a lawsuit against the University alleging Title IX violations. In a press conference this morning, she and her lawyer, Alex Zalkin, described Columbia’s inaction and mishandling of a Gender-Based Misconduct complaint she filed last year. Roskin-Frazee alleges she was raped twice in her […]
According to the New York Times, Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health recently sent out acceptance emails to 277 prospective graduate students–except these students hadn’t actually been accepted into the school. About 75 minutes later, the School of Public Health’s admissions office sent out a follow-up email correcting their mistake. The accidental acceptance emails, they […]
Alma Bwogger and soon-to-be model Rachel Deal, has had enough of the facilities that hide in her wall and her nightmares. Please send help. The pipes in my walls bang. Loudly. I wake up in the middle of the night, multiple times a night, to the wall next to my head vibrating as the pipes clang. It started […]
Whether you took a plane from across the world or took a walk from a few blocks away, we’ve all returned to campus and are remembering how tiring (and wet) Columbia can be. Before we get back to working hard (or hardly working), here is a playlist to add some bump to your grind. Cranes in […]
Former Editor in Chief Rachel Deal sat down with sophomores Christina Hill, Sam Nussenzweig, and Evan de Lara, three of the admins of the the Facebook group columbia buy sell memes, to talk about meme-making, procrastination, and campus culture. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity. Bwog: How and when did this Facebook group […]
Last night, PrezBo emerged from his cave for an hour to chat with undergraduates and squint in photos. Editor in Chief Rachel Deal brings you a report of what was said, along with a cute pic she took with the President of the University himself. Last night, PrezBo took some time out of his busy […]
Bwog’s month of Halloween continues! This time, Claremont Queen Rachel Deal brings you a horror story (loosely) based on her experiences with the oven in her suite. It started when your suitemate tried to make a Trader Joe’s frozen pizza. She turned on the oven, slid in the pizza–a few minutes later, you all felt […]
As stated at the University Senate Plenary in May, Columbia now requests that each campus news source register its journalists. By signing an agreement and submitting the contact information of its staff, a publication can receive press credentials which would “protect” its journalists from facing disciplinary action due to violations of the Rules of Conduct. […]
Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
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