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Posts Tagged with "rules of conduct"

As stated at the University Senate Plenary in May, Columbia now requests that each campus news source register its journalists. By signing an agreement and submitting the contact information of its staff, a publication can receive press credentials which would “protect” its journalists from facing disciplinary action due to violations of the Rules of Conduct. […]

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PrezBo began the last University Senate plenary of the year with a collection of remarks on current events. On the passing of Bill Campbell “There was no more dedicated alumn of Columbia than Bill,” said PrezBo about the long-time Columbia trustee who died recently. “He really knew how to make organizations work,” said PrezBo. “When […]

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The University has approved major revisions to the Rules of University Conduct for the first time since 1989. The changes are meant to focus on student journalism in Columbia, as well as freedom of expression for every member of the community (the rights to demonstrate, rally, and petition are protected).  The biggest revisions make the court process […]

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Feeling out of the loop on the campus scoop? Columbia’s Senate, accompanied by PrezBo, gathered yesterday to discuss upcoming projects here in MoHi and beyond (Global Reports!). Bwog’s trusted politics correspondent, Joe Milholland, is here to relay the info to you. “Manhattanville is, of course, the big thing,” said PrezBo at this Friday’s University Senate […]

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Just as our livers have recovered and the fuzzy memories have completely left our minds, the legacy of Bacchanal still looms over our campus, and the deans get the final word. Devoted student government aficionado Joe Milholland makes last night’s CCSC meeting as clear for you as a two-lined fortune. In a few weeks, the four deans […]

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It can be tough to keep up with politics, between the national stage, the local stage, the crazy beauty pageant that is 2016, and the USenate. Fortunately, CCSC bureau chief, and Obama’s most secret staffer (because why not?), Joseph Milholland has at least the last covered, with notes and commentary from the latest meeting. At the […]

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While most of Columbia and Barnard’s students slugged back into the academic grind after indulging over the Thanksgiving holiday, the members of SGA got back to their hard-working ways without a hitch. Last night, they brought in yet another administrative guest and resident SGA expert Joe Milholland got the beat.  The admin guest at the […]

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It’s a big year for Columbia; holding all the town halls and working on changes for many different ways in which the school operates. Joe Milholland, our trusted Columbia Administration reporter, gives us the talking points from Thursday’s USenate Plenary. “I know there’s a debate about freedom of speech on the campus,” said PrezBo at […]

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The Rules of Conduct Town Hall took place a few weeks ago, but today we’re bringing you a quick recap by the numbers of who spoke and what went down. Bureau Chief Joseph Milholland was at the Town Hall to bring you the news and to crunch the numbers. The transcript for the town hall […]

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Columbia’s Rules of Conduct, which govern protests and demonstrations on campus, are currently under review by the University Senate. Protest proponent Julia Goodman explores the potential impact of impending changes. Those interested in updates to the Rules of Conduct should attend the town hall this Friday from 4 to 6 pm in 309 Havemeyer. All […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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