This evening, Managing Editor Maddie Stearn had the opportunity to interview Lucas Zeppetello, SEAS ’16, one of the Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (CDCJ) protesters currently inside of Low Library. The interview was somewhat difficult to orchestrate (think Rapunzel), but the results were interesting to say the least. [Note: we usually reserve Late Night Bwog […]
Deantini and Dean Boyce announced in an email this evening that all CC/SEAS students receiving Columbia financial aid grants will not have to pay course fees starting in the 2016/2017 academic year. This new policy applies to fees associated with laboratory, language, film, writing and visual arts courses. The new policy does not, however, extend […]
A few days ago Hillary Clinton rode the NYC subway. Like “any” “normal” “person”, she encountered a few setbacks on her journey–like needing to swipe her MetroCard 5 times at the turnstile. Sure, she looked a little like Jack Donaghy when he had bed bugs, but who are we to judge? We’re all just “average” people […]
This year, Columbia College and the School of Engineering and Applied Science received an unprecedented number of applications, totalling at 36,292. This is the largest applicant pool in Columbia’s history. Only 2,193 students, or 6.0%, were admitted this year, including students from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., the territories, and 85 other countries. News of Columbia’s […]
Ever since a certain CC student went to Hewitt for the first time, Bwog staff has been debating the campus salad bars. The aforementioned CC senior ardently declared that Hewitt’s vegetables are, in fact, the best, while a Barnard student shot back that Ferris has a far superior vegetable selection. Apparently school affiliation had no […]
Accessibility has been a buzzword on campus for a long time, but has the university addressed the issue adequately? Managing Editor Maddie Stearn spoke with Eun Oh (CC ’18), who would suggest that Columbia is not fulfilling its promises. Eun Byoul Oh is a sophomore in Columbia College, New York Times Scholarship recipient, potential Political Science […]
Every semester, CC, SEAS, and GS students enter a lottery to attend Prezbo’s Fireside Chat. The chosen few get to dress up (or dress in “Prezbo Casual,” as one attendee put it), eat delicious hors d’oeuvres, and, if they’re lucky, ask Prezbo their burning questions. Bwog’s Managing Editor, Maddie Stearn, covered the evening’s activities, and […]
That time Deantini got lost is old news, but we’re a little worried about how he’s going to react to the newest additions to campus. We’re not naming names, but will the Giant Screens prove to be too disorienting for those who are navigationally-challenged? Are the Screens even going to have maps? What did Deantini […]
It’s going to stop snowing eventually, and you’ll want to finally emerge from your snow cave of takeout containers and empty soda cans. What better way to convince yourself of your own humanity than by attending a cultural event? Bwogger Maddie Stearn has just the thing for all you bleary-eyed Netflix overdosers. Wednesday, January 27 […]
No current undergraduates are actually going to feel the effects of Barnard’s new curriculum, so Bwogger Maddie Stearn decided to meditate on the less-important curriculum questions. First and foremost, what do we call it? Like all of the greatest naming debates of our time—the plural for Prius, Two-Thousand-Ten vs. Twenty-Ten, and, of course, Deantini—Barnard’s new curriculum is […]
Finals, finals, finals, finals, finals. No one will shut up about finals. But YOU can change that! Get out of your room and go do something cultured! The next time someone tries to make small talk with you about finals, you can start shouting, “OH LOOK BWOG POSTED ABOUT ALL OF THESE FUN ARTS THINGS.” […]
Yesterday’s infamous Maggie Move was an emotional time for all of us – but for few so much as Maddie Stearn, Senior Staff Writer and tree lover. Maddie watched the majority of the move yesterday, and both recapped and reflected upon her experience for anyone who might not have been willing to watch the same […]
Does Deantini have two offices? Is he moonlighting as the chair of the Chemistry Department? Is something spooky afoot? Bwog sent Senior Sleuth Maddie Stearn to investigate the situation, but no one was prepared for the consequences. James Valentini. Deantini. Former chair of the Chemistry Department, current Dean of Columbia College, and occasionally lost tourist. […]
For those of you who don’t know, James Valentini–or Deantini, as we affectionately call him–is the Dean of Columbia College. Unfortunately, he seems to have lost his way. Alone in the cruel, cruel world of Columbia University, he wanders forlornly around campus without direction. Just as a wise young bird once asked, “Are you my […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025