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Welcome to day two of reading week, hopefully you haven’t already burned through the Starbucks gift card your mom gave you. As things start to get a little #dark now that you realize that research paper you thought you had forever to do is, in fact, due tomorrow. Or maybe that’s just Bwog. To take […]
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Our next Senior Wisdom is from Roko Rumora, once described as “Roko Rumora, art historian and noted homosexual” by the leading daily newspaper of Croatia. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Good evening, America. I’m Roko, and though I may look like I’m GS’14 – GS 1914 even – I’m a regular CC’14-er. I study Art History […]
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With the death grip of finals slowly tightening like a noose around our necks, Bwog felt it would be best to bring some humor and joy back to everyone’s lives. The talented and beloved Bwog Video team met up with Columbia’s all-female improv group, Control Top, for some laughs on Bwog and Graduation. Some basic background […]
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We called, and you answered. Here are the parting words of your dear, beloved professors, some of whom you have probably already forgotten / repressed / never met because you didn’t go to class. Read them and feel some sort of hope for your finals; feel free to leave your own in the comments and […]
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We know you don’t have class today, so how about you fill your head with some wisdom that will stick? Today’s Senior Wisdom is from Gabby Beans, who owns a bouncy castle that we plan on borrowing. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Gabby Beans, CC, Theater & Neuroscience, Hometown = “it’s complicated” because I’m an Army […]
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Columbia Dining Services announced today that Wilma Jordan, who has cooked us omelettes and brightened John Jay Hall with her eternal smile for 27 years, is retiring at the end of the semester. Here is the official announcement: After 27 years of service to the Columbia community, our beloved Wilma Jordan will retire at the end of […]
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“Before I Die…,” the thought-provoking art installment that appeared at Columbia for some time last week, elicited sentence-completing thoughts that ranged from deep to inspiring to ridiculous to annoying (looking at you, kid who wants to turn into a penguin). The concept left a lot of room for different interpretations, so we created a list of […]
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CU Lion Pride, a student group that focuses on “strengthen[ing] the support of LGBTQ athletes at Columbia University” recently collaborated with SAUF, The Columbia Society for the Advancement of Underrepresented Filmmakers to produce You Can Play Columbia University. The You Can Play project creates videos to promote and guarantee that every athlete is given equal opportunities to […]
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Today marks the first day of reading week, and so Bwog transitions to Bwog In Bed. How will you spend the next few days, turning down in the ref room, or turning up in the stacks? Bwogline: People that don’t really matter to you talk about having access to wi-fi while flying (probably on JetBlue). (NYT) Finals […]
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Bwog is always ready to listen to anyone’s grievances. Wannabe malcontent Britt Fossum attended an impromptu meeting of CUCR that was held in place of the cancelled board meeting. Currently, SGB and CUCR are holding a town hall. The official Sunday night board meeting of the Columbia University College Republicans was postponed and then cancelled entirely […]
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Our next Senior Wisdom is from Selby Schwartz, professor of U Writing Shelby Swartz, “comfort stall” aficionado.  Name, Hometown, School, Major: Shelby Swartz, Los Angeles, CA, BC, History Claim to fame: Apparently there is a professor that teaches U Writing named “Selby Schwartz.” I hear she is incredible. This “senior wisdom whathaveyou” was probably meant […]
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I have never had the opportunity to explore this place. But for now, I’d just like to say that your (read more)
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