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Posts Tagged with "lol"

Tonight. 9 PM. Lerner 510. Bwog will be having our weekly meeting. Bring your roommate, your significant other, your teddy bear, but most importantly, yourself, and join us as we discuss pitches and snack snack snack! We get it– it’s midterm season. But let’s be real, if we hypothetically said that we would never leave […]

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Hear, hear! It’s time to submit your wettest and wildest Bacchanal stories! Pictures, videos, extraordinarily detailed novellas… the more debaucherous the better. Send your stuff to and we’ll post our favorites ones soon! Think your Bacchanal had what it takes? There’s only one way to find out.

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Good morning, Columbia! How was your Bacchanal? Did you get CAVA’d? Did you darty? Did you even fucking survive? Luckily, campus recovered in time for Days on Campus! Time to check out what’s going down today! Happening in the nation: Trump has officially taken is 16th trip to a golf course during his presidency. That’s it. […]

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We know you’ve all thought it. Which dorm your current hookup lives in says a lot about his relative sadboy- or fuckboy-ness. Whether he’s a Carman athlete, a Furnald poet, or a Wein loner, the stereotypes hold true more often than not. After all, what’s a stereotype without a little bit of truth? Read on for […]

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Today, April 10, is National Sibling Day! Founded by native New Yorker, Claudia Evart in 1995, this day is meant to celebrate siblings. In honor of today, we’ve decided that you should bring your siblings to the Bwog meeting tonight! But not just blood relatives, bring siblings of all kinds with you – be it […]

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It was announced yesterday morning that South African writer and comedian Trevor Noah will replace John Stewart later this year as the new host of “The Daily Show.” Noah, who is only 31 years old and a newbie in the American television scene, is expected to give the show a youthful and international spin. (NYTimes) Here’s some news […]

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Saturday Night Live celebrated its 40 year anniversary last night with a three-hour Sunday night feature celebrating its best and worst legacies. 40 years, huh? SNL might be the only thing that isn’t generational between you and your parents. (USA Today) Your Facebook newsfeed was crying on Thursday when Jon Stewart announced his future departure […]

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Remember when Stephen Colbert’s staff came to Columbia about three weeks ago to film a spoof of those Fox News segments? As it turns out, they also went to a preschool when they weren’t satisfied with Columbia students’ accurate answers. Check out Colbert’s glorious, spot-on mockery of Mr. O’Reilly and his pet monkey on the […]

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Readers have been leaving some poems and lyrics in the comments, and we’ve been compiling some of our own.  Here we make sweet, sweet love  poems from this past week’s comments. Prezbo doesn’t skip leg day doesn’t even go here sequestered in this festering PC prison using their newspapers as toilet paper trigger warning : bwog, jesus […]

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Whenever we needed to research housing options, refresh our memories on the words to “Roar Lion Roar” or cry about the untimely death of Alexander Hamilton, WikiCU was there for us. Now it’s your turn.Come edit or add to WikiCU’s pages at the Wikithon, this Wednesday from 6-11 in the John Jay Lounge! And there […]

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Bwog loves BuzzFeed. We couldn’t make it through recitations and reading week without 27 Cats in Santa Hats Playing the Piano or 44 Ways Being A Twenty-Something Is The Greatest. We do enough reading already, dammit, and we just want to look at gifs. Naturally we were very excited when we heard the the Columbia […]

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CU, Abbrevs.

Columbia is a weird place full of unusual terms (not to mention the people).  To help you out, we’ve written out a guide to the most-used abbreviations at this fine school. The Schools CC – Columbia College, the largest and oldest undergrad school at Columbia. SEAS – School of Engineering and Applied Science. Note the absence of […]

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Now there’s something unexpected from Columbia’s new home page. Bwog cartoonist extraordinaire Jody Zellman pointed out to us that if you are choosey enough with your words, you can get some very interesting results from the home page’s search box that now has an autocomplete feature. People have been having fun with Google‘s autocomplete for years, but […]

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Bwog was on our way home from the Abbey (accompanied by our BwogWeather pals—thanks for the Van Gogh shots, Paul!) late the other night when we saw a group of drunk freshpeople being loud and annoying outside Westside. Suddenly, one fresh-boy left the group and up to Koronet’s. He tried to yank the door open. It […]

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Neurogasm: A Review

You may have noticed those snazzy new lava-lamp-shaped bottles in Butler or 212 and wondered to yourself, “WTF?!” David Hu has your answer, and in a selfless quest to keep you informed he drank one of those miracles of chemical engineering. Undoubtedly, the first thing that strikes you about Neurogasm is the bottle. Its long, […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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