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Though being a nearly insignificant number of credits, one credit courses require a disproportionate prerequisites or other department specific eligibilities. But some of us might be still scrambling to make the 12 credit limit or are in four classes and really want see our number of credits round out to an even number. For the […]

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Our Men’s Basketball team began its 115th season in program history this Friday, hosting Kean (NCAA Divison III) to open the 2015-16 campaign. We sent Bwogger Lili Brown to check it out, and she returned with some unexpected news.  The 2015-2016 season for Men’s Basketball began today in an unprecedented sense of style. We saw the basketball […]

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Your RA probably spent some good time with a paper cutter and a Sharpie this summer to devise the best floor theme to truly Make It Your Home. “Welcome to Plimpton Community Blend,” where each name on the door is a fruit might add some color and comfort to the bare walls; “John Jay on […]

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Ever wonder what getting hired to teach a Core class as a grad student is like? Bwog’s own Monday Daily Lili Brown sat down with Nathan Schumer, a grad student hired to teach CC in the fall, and asked some stellar questions that get to the CORE (great pun!!) of the interview process. Check it […]

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Ever wanted to explore the origins of the friend(s) you keep in your desk drawer? Well, you missed the main event, but doge of the dildo Lili Brown has captured the main thrust. “I wonder how many times I can use the word ‘came’ tonight” GS Alliance hosted a talk with GS Advising Dean RJ Jenkins […]

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NINJa Run-In

Ezra Koenig once said about a former hookup at Columbia, “How am I supposed to pretend I never want to see you again?” On the other hand, not-so-lovestruck Lili Brown explores the awkwardness of (almost) running into a hookup from the past in the wee hours of the night (in Butler). There are many a life […]

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Bacchanal is now a month away and one component of the annual concert of good jams before us is now common knowledge. At the Battle of the Bands on Friday night, Liberty Styles scored itself the spot as the student opening gig for undisclosed headliner at this year’s Bacchanal. To become tight with the newest on-campus celebrities, Music […]

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This evening Barnard hosted its last of a series of town halls and forums to discuss the direction Barnard Admissions should take in terms of transwomen applying to the school. As per protocol of the last town hall, direct quotes and discussion cannot be reported openly just yet, but students who attended the forums are welcome to […]

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A Low penis fountain found its perfect companion: a lonely yet comfy can of Keystone Light. We hope to see it again after the snow melts at Bacchanal. But for now, Lil’ Keystone, you are our source of inspiration; nestled in the hidden security of the cloud of snow, showing Morningside Heights your true colors […]

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We spend our weeks aimlessly bored in Butler, but then our own white rabbit savior, disguised as a device with the promise of belligerence, prances along and takes us away for the weekend. Up the rabbit hole we’ve returned, with hazy memories of the travel down as our proof of passage. Always share your experiences going […]

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While the Peter Bailinson Diet allowed Rachel to destress and simultaneously get in touch with her inner rustic New England side, Bwog’s own Lili Brown took to the Ricardo Morales Diet in hopes of strengthening campus security and building her network of (Public Safety) friends. Her gastronomic endeavors allowed her to reap the rewards that were only previously known […]

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Spring 2015, we’re back out our winter break coma, and we look to none other than Kanye on how to properly get back into the demanding upkeep of the Columbia social scene. Whether you can hold your liquor or not, send in next weekend’s flops and successes to Can’t hold your liquor/weekend flops: “Got off […]

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Lili Brown spoke with our friends over at Spectator to better understand their Managing Board’s restructuring. Yesterday, Spectrum released Spectator’s new Managing Board, and some clear structural changes have been made to a long-standing newspaper and tradition on Columbia’s campus. This will be Spectator’s first year without the formal title of “Editor-in-Chief” heading its Managing […]

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This time, we gotta side with Lorelai Gilmore. Our budding monotonous social lives seem to ask the question, “Are finals my priority?” Be sure to send in your social pursuits while staying pretty and smart during the last weekend of the Fall 2014 semester to As naive as Rory Gilmore: “Got drunk, ordered three pizzas […]

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Thanksgiving: when you get a break in your college social life and return to the land of curfews, excessive amounts of texts from Mom about your whereabouts, and getting smashed with high school pals because that’s the only way you guys can seem to communicate anymore. Yet us Columbians on another Monday are able to […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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