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We know, we know, it’s a little early for this. In honor of those mid-year graduates, we’re running a short series of Senior Wisdoms. Kicking things off we have Benjie Frieling, saving the day from congestion. Name, Hometown, School: Benjamin Frieling, though most people call me Benjie [no, not the dog]. Hailing from the rather nearby […]
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This morning the New York Post published a piece in regard to multiple female students’ allegations of having been raped and assaulted by a current Columbia University athlete, and Columbia’s lack of judicial response in both cases. The Post article reports that in the cases of both women, Columbia dragged out the case for months; one woman […]
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Look out the window! The sun is out! Here’s a reason to go outside! Today at 3 p.m., students and alumni of Columbia University School of General S tudies will hold a dedication and flag raising ceremony on the northeast corner of Lewisohn Lawn where a new flag symbolizing School of General Studies school pride […]
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Live at Lerner is having their final event of the season today from noon to 2 in the Lerner piano lounge, and it’s a big one. One of Bwog’s favorite acts will be performing – Stressbusters! There will also be lunch, cards to decorate, and a roaring tv fire. On the menu for Columbia’s consistently […]
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Even though yesterday was the first day of reading week (reading group of day[s]?) we know you didn’t actually study. So we will officially take 2, and call this the first day of reading week. May the odds be ever in your favor. Bwogline: Here’s a  thought-provoking article outlining all of Spec’s best articles from 2013. […]
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Hunched over a never-ending study guide that could have probably been started tomorrow, Bwog lifted their eyes from the blinding white screen to see a pure Christmas miracle. Carrying a precious little canvas tote, Deantini was, dare we say, frolicking through the bleak room of Butler 209 around 8:30pm tonight handing out candy canes. A […]
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Actual Wisdom time. Take a well-deserved study break to enrich your brain with some erudite knowledge, passed down from Columbia’s very best and brightest. We’ll be sharing some real wisdom every day for the rest of finals, so you can count on your daily dose of smarts and clever […]
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Last week, a college sports guy wrote about how much he dislikes Ivy League marching bands (or rather, “marching” bands). This past Saturday, the Columbia University Marching Band responded with the below letter. Catch the second promo video for Orgo Night after the jump. To the Editor: I am a Columbia University undergraduate and a member of its […]
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The hyper-talented Taylor Simone, CC’14, has been entertaining Columbia with her soulful voice since she arrived on campus four years ago. Earlier this year she self-produced and released a seriously fantastic EP, Songs From The Front Yard.” Now Taylor, along with roommate Soleil Grant, also CC’14, want to make a professional-quality music video for bonus […]
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Tryna Get Enriched

Nine out of ten dentists recommend you watch the latest video that’s kind of about orgo, this time with musical references to  the Harlem Shake and other songs we’ve tried to forget about. Its rappers are decked out in Columbia University apparel and a shirt that reads, “I have nice abs”—naturally, its creators are current […]
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We know it’s only the first day of reading “week.” And sure, it’s snowing out. And you’ll definitely be invited to a thousand study breaks this week. But this is probably the coolest one you’ll be invited to and if you’re being honest with yourself, you already need it. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers […]
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It’s officially finals time which means for the next ~2 weeks we’ll be forgoing Bwoglines in favor of spending a few minutes in bed with you. The weather outside is pretty frightful, which is totally an excuse to not leave your room for the rest of the day. Oh and go ahead and tip more […]
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Happy Orgo Night

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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can actually (read more)
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This is a great interview. Thanks for your bold and brave words. When things are as bad as they (read more)
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October 8, 2024

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