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Location: 628 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: Not many. Hogan, sorta. Stores and restaurants: Amir’s, M2M, Starbucks, International, and basically anything on Broadway. Amenities: Bathrooms: Four bathrooms per floor; each has a tub shower, sink, and toilet. AC/Heating: No AC. Plenty of heat though (especially in the smaller rooms). Kitchen/Lounge: Each floor has two kitchens/lounges, […]
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If you’re wondering why you woke up today to Beyonce and LMFAO, it’s ’cause CCO was getting ready to fix New York City. They’re at it now!
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A pizza price war has pushed the cost of a slice along Avenue of the Americas in Midtown down to seventy-five cents. Who’s responsible for this madness? (NYT) Philosopher Helen Nissenbaum of NYU is helping to reshape privacy policy so it fits in with our comfortable norms, but others claim that the paradigm is already […]
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Big Gigantic will be headlining, with Wavves and Curren$y as the opening acts. Spicy Special will be the student group opener. Seeing as the theme is Baccha90s, we were sorta expecting someone from not this decade too, but whatevs. It could be worse. So get psyched—the concert is only two weeks away!
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Columbia isn’t the only university set on expansion in New York. NYU has decided to make a bit of a ruckus with the residents of the Village for the past couple of months with their proposal to develop 2.5 million square feet of new infrastructure over the next twenty years. Their plan, which they’ve called NYU2031 in […]
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“The nature of the sport of rugby is that it takes 15 players working together on the field in order to produce positive results.  Superstars are nothing without the support of their teammates, so players have to rely on each other to achieve success.” – Columbia Coach Jodie Van Ogtrop The Birth of a Sport […]
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Location: 605-615 W. 115th Street. Nearby dorms: Furnald, Woodbridge Stores and restaurants: UPS Store (yay!), the best Halal cart, Lerner, Morton Williams, M2M, Uni Cafe Cost: $6,718 (same as Wien, McBain, Broadway) Amenities: Bathrooms: Floor bathrooms. Relatively small and gross. AC/Heating: Air conditioning and heat. Kitchen/Lounge: Every floor has a new-ish lounge with a kitchen, […]
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Last night, Bwog’s resident Midtown Maven Hope Silberstein made it all the way to 43rd Street to see a preview production of Caligula, directed by Ittai Orr, CC ’12—read on to find out if the trek was worth it. The showtimes are today, March 30, at 8 pm and March 31 at 3 pm and 8 […]
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Whether to work an internship, catch up on credits, or avoid family, a significant portion of Columbia stays in NYC between academic years. A summer in the ‘hood allows students to see a different side of the city, one in which papers aren’t due tomorrow morning and a happy hour margarita at The Heights might actually serve to cool […]
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The pigeons have acquired a taste for more than the crumbs of your Brad’s sandwich. Two were spotted on College Walk, happily pecking away at some stray roast beef. Whether they’re aware that they’re consuming what Aristotle would classify as a fellow animal is one question; whether it would be worse if it were chicken […]
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This afternoon, at 1:15 pm in Jerome Green Hall, the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) will bring a ground-breaking resolution to the Senate floor: public course evaluations. Well… ground-breaking for Columbia. Resident Know-It-Most Sarah Ngu brings us up to speed on what this means and why it could be a BFD. Why don’t we already publicize online […]
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Another shooting of a young black male took place in Wisconsin this week; of course, comparisons are drawn to the controversial Trayvon Martin case. (HuffPo) Who would have thought: the rich are getting richer. (Washington Post) Striking a balance between responsibility and liberty will be key to the Supreme Court’s upholding of Obamacare. (NYT) There’s a […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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