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WikiCU has Cooties

And by cooties, we mean it’s been hacked and infected by malware. Bwog is staffed by hopelessly computer-illiterate History majors, so we turned to one of our backend tech gurus to explain why you should stay the fuck away from WikiCU until told otherwise. It’s all about how dangerous malware could be. While most people will get […]
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Director of American studies, Andrew Delbanco, took to the NYTimes op-ed section yesterday to voice frustration about elitism in higher education. THE Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum recently set off a ruckus when he attacked America’s colleges as “indoctrination mills” from which God-fearing Americans should keep their distance. Calling President Obama a “snob” for urging […]
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It’s Official!

It’s spring break!  We know this because Ke$ho himself said it!  Wishing us a “happy, safe, and refreshing Spring Break,” Ke$ho has made the dream real in his annual Spring Break email.  We hope you enjoy your week off and have a sweet, relaxing time.  In the meantime, get closer to Ke$ho by welcoming him […]
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We may be worn out, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t stopped our quest to keep you and the Columbia community happy and well-drunk.  Without further ado we present The Post-Midterm. This is a legendary drink, the ingredients and creation of which have been passed on from Columbia generation to generation.  Keep it in your […]
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Be on the lookout for the February issue of The Blue & White, coming to campus this week. In the meantime, Bwog will again honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Such treats include a visit to the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, an investigation into Columbia’s animal testing practices, […]
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Businesses are preparing for a fourth quarter in 2012 that will surely be devastating. That one special on History Channel about Mayan calendars has forced those in retail to start packing their boxes, and those in the alcoholic beverage industry to start stocking up on glow sticks and PBR for their spin on “The End of the World” party. […]
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Staying in the city for your school’s break? Visiting for the week? Check out Inside New York‘s editors’ picks for the best events happening this week: Monday, March 12 Open Mic Monday @ Nuyorican Poets Cafe Participate or just join the enthusiastic office at one of NYC’s most loved and best known poetry slams! 236 […]
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Bwog sent over our resident Building Buff Briana Last to report on last night’s talk, “Public Space and Public Consciousness” at the Event Oval in the Diana Center at 6 pm. The lecture was given by Michael Kimmelman as part of the Barnard Department of Education’s “For the Public Good” series. This series is part […]
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Yoga?  Naps?  Candlelit baths?  LAME.  Why do that when you can literally kick a human being? Release your midterms anger with Columbia Tae Kwon Do’s Kicks for Cash on College Walk today from 3-6 pm where, for $1, you can kick any member of the team once.  For $10, you can kick them as much […]
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All your friends leaving you here to go to a beautiful exotic location get trashed on the beach in Cancun?  Not to fret–the Columbia Greenmarket is here for you!  Every Thursday and Sunday on Broadway between 114th and 116th, they provide the food, we provide the highlights: Good news for EBT customers!  Spend $5 at the […]
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He may not be speaking at Columbia, but a video has surfaced of Barack Obama giving a speech at Harvard in 1990.  Cute khakis! (BuzzFeed) Don’t worry guys, Noel Gallagher was so moved by Obama’s speeches he’s decided to run for president if Obama loses.  Now how’s that for Baccha90s? (CNN) Seems like not everybody’s […]
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The typical nine-to-five for Ramon Diaz, CC ’12, takes “hands on” to a new level. While his numerous photo ops really speak for themselves, Bwog couldn’t help but pose a few follow-up questions. Join us as we get the quick-and-dirty. Bwog: How’d you get the job? We’re guessing not through CCE…? Ramon Diaz, CC ’12: […]
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024

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