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Just about every week, Bwog collects stories about some of the ground-breaking research being done here at Columbia or by Columbians around the world. For this edition of BunsenBwog, Zach Kagan collects all of the best holiday-themed research our scientific community has to offer.  Bwog has been watching a bunch of scary movies in preperation […]
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We’ve received word that something seriously foul is flooding EC in at least two places. Housing sez all available facilities workers and administrators are already on the scene fixing the leak. As for what’s leaking, we dunno. Venom? UPDATE: Public Safety has closed the main EC entrance. The powers that be are directing residents to the loading […]
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Though, the theme is a little high-brow: “Getting work done and pitching ideas for next week.” The dress code is hipster-casual, but we’re not gonna turn anyone away. We’ll have free food, as always, and unlimited free drinks, at the water fountain down the hall. While dancing doesn’t always happen at our parties, people would […]
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Lost silver Denon C751 earphones with a black cable in Hartley the afternoon of 10/30. Please email if found, $10 reward.
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Today is the last day to buy a pumpkin, spend an hour carving something cool into it, clean up all the pumpkin guts, and then submit the gourd-eous result. But if you do it, and do it really well, you might win some free holiday-themed beer! Sounds like a worthwhile deal to us. There are […]
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So far, no Steve Jobs… (too soon?) but here are the current candidates for our costume contest. Did you dress up last night? Do you have a few action shots from one of the many parties? Are they appropriate for your parents to see? Probably not, but submit them anyway. Blurred out faces and pseudonyms […]
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Was it a man desperately trying to assert his diminishing virility by grand public spectacle? Was it a woman whose deep-seated resentment manifests itself with obsessive depictions of the enemy? Was it an inebriated freshman who wanted to do something to show his new friends that he could be cool too, brah? We’ll probably never […]
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Halloween comes around once a year, which means you have 364 days to think of a costume more original than slutty-something.  Two girls in an EC elevator: Girl One: What happened to global warming. Seems like Halloween gets colder year after year. Girl Two: That’s true, or maybe our clothing just gets skimpier and skimpier […]
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A $250,000 gift to the University from two B-School alums facilitated a week-long Global Core workshop in May, which resulted in the creation of five new classes. (Spec) $2.5 Million in venture financing was given to Codecademy, a start-up focusing on computer science education that was founded by Columbia graduates undergrads this last summer. (NYTimes) 2.3 […]
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After getting your fill of tantalizing Chinese food at last night’s Night Market, now comes halloweekend feast part deux. This time, the Columbia University National Undergraduate Film Festival (CUNUFF) and AKPsi offer a stoner’s fantasy. Come to Lerner Cinema at 10 p.m. for a screening of Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and free White Castle. […]
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As winter makes an early appearance, unsuspecting Californians are plagued by this foreign phenomenon known as “snow”. Girl wearing a light hoodie and Toms, being carried on piggie back, screams: “Awwww I hate cold, I wanna go home! I want California!”
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This week, Bwog visited another PowerSuite where high-ranking student government officials, an established social justice leader, a master volleyball instructor, and a music connoisseur all reside. While other politicians fail at their pizza eating skills, Ruggles #109-114 is home to masters of the craft. Raphaelle Debenedetti and Mahima Chablani report. When Bwog arrived at Snuggles (yes, they were responsible for this) #109-114, […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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