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Posts Tagged with "obamanard"

In anticipation of the six month anniversary of Obamanard and tonight’s University Unity Forum, Bwog thought you all might appreciate more clarity on the ever enigmatic relationship between Columbia and Barnard. Since the idea of tonight’s forum is to provide a space for students’ perspectives, Bwog went straight to the endlessly economic Debora Spar, President […]

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As Barnard’s 2011 Commencement speaker, Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and one of the most powerful women in America, catalogued the industries and positions of power in which women are severely underrepresented. It turns out, that’s most of them. She encouraged Barnard’s graduating seniors to change these troubling statistics, adding the caveat that career decisions […]

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In case you’re living under a rock/booth of 1020 and haven’t heard, Obama stopped by South Lawn yesterday to give Barnard’s 2012 Commencement Speech. Decently Dynamic Duo Ella Quittner and Brian Wagner stopped by and made a highlight reel. In their heads.  “Fight for a seat at the head of the table.” That’s one of […]

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He Came, We Saw

Whether you slept through Obama’s 90 minutes on South Lawn or you’re already ready to relive them, you can check out photos of the 2012 Barnard Commencement ceremony below. Send your own photos to, and we’ll add them!

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The time is now! President Barack Obama is slated to hit up Columbia’s very own South Lawn at 12:30 pm today (!) to give the commencement address to Barnard’s graduating class. We’ll keep you in the loop with lots of photos and details about the before/after/during. Send your own to! For more live updates/frantic pun attempts, […]

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Update: Dig the song? Listen and download here If you’re looking to get a little nostalgic/teary-eyed in the privacy of your room (and the usual tricks just aren’t cutting it), you can thank Pat Blute, Evan Johnston, and Matt Star for the next 4 minutes of your morning: You can find information about times, dates, […]

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In case you’ve been successful in drinking enough since finals ended (read: have forgotten about what’s going on in the world around you), quick reminder: Obamanard happens tomorrow! We’ll be live blogging the festivities, so check us out when you wake up. If you’re in the camp whose RSVP (in the form of a crumpled […]

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GS Class Day

A day early and a couple guests short, GS Class Day took place earlier this fine spring day. Light jazz sparkled around Low Plaza as a surprisingly posh audience gathered to celebrate the graduation of the class of 2012. Graduates descended from Low to the tune of “Down by the Riverside” played by a small […]

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The latest in Obamanard security measures, sent out this morning to residents of the buildings bordering South Lawn: Dear [Resident], We hope that you had a successful close to the spring semester! As a resident with Extended or Interim Housing living in one of the residence halls on South Field, you will be required to […]

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According to an email just sent out by Dean Shollenberger and his GS counterpart, all graduating seniors in CC, SEAS, and GS will be able to enter the lottery for tickets to Barnard’s Commencement ceremony (the one with the President speaking)—which was previously open only to Barnard students. The full email, with the most important […]

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Early this morning, Barnard students received an email from Dean Hinkson announcing that they’ll have a chance to see Obama speak. Those interested can enter a lottery by filling out an online survey, and will be notified if they’re selected by May 7th. Dear Barnard Student, With all the excitement about having President Obama speak […]

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In a statement responding to Monday’s announcement that GS Class Day would be moved a day forward, prominent campus figures joined members of GSSC, CCSC, ESC, SGA and the Senate to call for a formal apology from President Bollinger. The statement praises the announced Travel Fund, but demands an extra ceremony on the original day in […]

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Apparently in response to outrage over the rescheduling of GS Class Day, Dean Awn sent out an email late this afternoon announcing a “modest fund” that will attempt to relieve those families “most significantly affected” by costs incurred from late changes to travel/lodging arrangements. Awn’s email is posted in full below. Dear Graduates, Together with President Bollinger and […]

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Save The New Date

According to an email from Dean Awn, the date for GS Class Day has been changed late in the game, due to the amount of set-up and security checks required for Obama’s Barnard Class Day visit. Instead of taking place on Monday, May 14th, the ceremony will occur on Sunday, May 13th. Spoiler alert (literally): it will […]

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Last night students and members of the community gathered at the Barnard gates to participate in the Take Back the Night march, an annual demonstration against sexual violence. This year, the march took place along a similar route but with one notable difference—organizers decided to make the event completely gender neutral, eliminating the woman-only space […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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