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Apparently, it’s supposed to be 50 degrees or warmer today! This is weird, but we’re not going to question it. Instead, we’re probably going to stop by the Greenmarket, and you should too. Today’s offerings include: A new product—Berkshire pork. Greenmarket-ers inform us that “It’s a heritage breed of pork,” and has been “genetically unmodified […]
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Earlier this morning, a taxi cab flipped over on 120th and Broadway. It is appears that a red Volvo attempted to make an illegal turn, causing the cab to stop short and flip on its side. A tipster informs us that the cab was attempting to make a left during a red light, which caused […]
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Foner Gets Phallic

There’s nothing Bwog loves more than to wake up to a boner joke. Aren’t you glad we said “joke” at the end of that? Anyway, Columbia’s very own superstar Professor Eric Foner stopped by The Colbert Report again (!) to discuss his new book “The Fiery Trial.” But before he even began to share his […]
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B is for Bacchanal: The contest for the spring Abacchalpyse t-shirts has officially sprung. See the poster (at right) for more info. B is for Banks and their Blind Eyes: According to Madoff, they “had to know” what he was up to, but ignored his scheming to avoid getting involved. (NYT CityRoom) B is also […]
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Lost: Sheet Music

The CU Glee Club has lost a box of sheet music! Left in the Lerner Party Space last Tuesday, February 8 Heavy cardboard box, 8x8x12, marked from music distributor JW Pepper. Contains about 100 pieces of music. If you’ve seen it, contact
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Lost: Brown ID Case

I lost a brown leather ID case with my BC ID (Aisling Hunt) today. Was left behind in John Jay or Hamilton (perhaps the path between them) Please contact or call 617-304-8363 if found!
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Just cause Valentine’s Day has passed doesn’t mean the lovin’ will stop. We’re running our last bachelors and bachelorettes! This time we give you Matt Buckley, CC ’12 and Allyson Shea, CC ’12, who agreed to post only if the other did. Interested? Tell us at, and we’ll send you two lovebirds off with […]
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The University Senate released an online survey this evening aimed to gauge student opinion on the subject of military presence at Columbia. There are general questions about the military’s relationship with Columbia, and there is a question that directly asks: I ______ of a return of ROTC to Columbia’s campuses. You can access the survey via their […]
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PrezBo By the Fire

Ok, so there wasn’t an actual fire in the fireplace, but there was a lot of great food and – much to Bwog’s delight – PrezBo arrived predictably late wearing desert boots! Since some of you have been to a fireside chat yourself, or have at least read our regular coverage on Bwog, we won’t […]
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Where Art Thou?

Bwog’s new Thursday Wednesday feature, Where Art Thou?, is here to keep you posted on what’s going on in the A&E department in Morningside Heights and beyond. If you and your friends want to get together to do some finger painting, and want to call it art, and have it posted on Bwog, now you […]
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On College Walk, a woman is dragging her child by the arm, when: Mother: ”You don’t need a therapist, I can teach you that!” *Name that tag quote. Image via Wikimedia
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Just cause Valentine’s Day has passed doesn’t mean the lovin’ will stop. We’re running yet another batch of bachelors and bachelorettes! This time we give you Andrea Santana, BC ’13 and Isabella Serrani, BC ’13. Interested? Tell us at, and we’ll send you two lovebirds off with $10 for a date. Name, Year, School, […]
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The new bioengineering building is under constitution at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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