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Posts Tagged with "weather"

Hurricanes, dog parades, and weekly yoga in today’s Bwoglines! Editor’s warning: mentions of death.

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The sustainability of Lego bricks, a weather update, and more are discussed in today’s Bwoglines!

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Columbia and New York City are packed with amazing culture and inspiring art, and there’s never been a better time to experience it first-hand. “Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.

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Storms, NYC housing, and tissue engineering in the first Bwoglines of the semester.

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With weather in the 50s, groups of students could be found playing games together on the lawns outside of Butler Library this weekend.

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The only thing saltier than the ground is my mood.

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Bwog Weather

Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub tells you whether it rained today.

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In an attempt to bring pictures that aren’t from Shutterstock or Wikimedia Commons Actual Photography, we sent Features Editor Alexander Pines into the snow to document yesterday’s snow (and to motivate you to up your Snapchat/cover photo/emails to Mom game). The full album is posted on Bwog’s fancy not-really-new-but-we-haven’t-posted-about-it Facebook, but here’s a preview.

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After surviving last night’s storm/Facebook being down, you’re probably ready to venture outside to assess the damage.  While we were lucky in Morningside Heights, some locations remain closed.  Check back for further updates! Closed: Amir’s, Starbucks, Uni Cafe, Liz’s Place, Crumbs, Havana Central, Brad’s, Cafe 212, Cafe East, Butler Cafe, Camille’s, Community, Mill, Le Monde, […]

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Historically, New York has not seen many tornados. (So few so that Bwog had to lookup whether there’s an “e” in the plural.  You can go either way.)  To celebrate this atypical natural splendor, Alexandra Svokos urges you to Choose Your Own Adventure: A. You are sitting in bed, noshing on some Strawberry Veronas and […]

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Update: The view from East Campus is being described as “mad cool,” and “hella terrifying” by residents. The following email was just sent out by Dean Martinez, on behalf of Public Safety: The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch and predicted severe thunder storms for our area until 9:00pm tonight. All students are asked to […]

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We’re looking at a high of 86 degrees today. Write your papers and study for your midterms on the lawns!

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In case you weren’t aware, there’s a pretty big rainstorm that’s going to hit the northeast this weekend, just in time for NSOP. Bwog has been mystified by the Weather Channel the past few days (Seriously! 24 hours devoted just to weather! What is this madness) and really, the coming Hurricane Irene is no joke. […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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