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Tonight at 7:30pm in Lerner 569, GendeRevolution is hosting their “Pee in Peace” Potluck.  Bwog approves of all that alliteration! The event is celebrating the near-completion of new gender neutral bathrooms on Columbia and Barnard’s campuses. All attendees and co-sponsoring groups are invited to bring food beginning with the letter ‘P.’  Other exciting things: GendeRevolution will […]
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True love may be foreign to The Blue and White, but the quest for it isn’t. Here we confess our hearts’ desires for the benefits of Columbia’s love-starved fops, aging professors, and resident perverts for whom the night has not yet been taken. Get inspired to submit your own personal! Seeking Men Anthro major seeks […]
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Another alternate Wednesday, another QuickTix! This week: Etiquette, Vaginas, and Athena. Tickets sold for on campus events this week: 1381 On campus events on sale now: The Vagina Monologues: February 11th, 9-11pm, 12th, 1-3pm, and 13th, 2-4pm, Roone, $5 w/CUID, Tickets. Athena Film Festival: February 11th-13th, Barnard Campus, $5 Students, Tickets. Chowdah Sketch Comedy Presents: Miss […]
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We’ve spotted booze in the stacks before, but never on the other side of the desk. Maybe our beloved bibliophiles are preparing for another one of their infamous wine and cheese parties… Can we come? Thinking and drinking, Symposium style.
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Hot on the heels of Housing entering rooms in EC, Harmony, Shapiro and 47 Claremont, Carman residents just received an email on “the intermittent heating concerns.”  According to Carman dwellers, heating noises and inconsistent temperature have been problems for weeks now.  The long and short of the email is that Facilities will “conduct an inspection […]
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Everybody’s vomming!!! They are just fine one second and gone the next. The stomach flu going round has been described as “completely unexpected,” “devastating,” and “vengeful.” “It’s reached outbreak status,” one anonymous tipster proclaims. If you have not been incapacitated by this mysterious (but apparently short-term) bug, you are probably suffering in other ways. “I’m […]
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Our very own NoCo may have “the most elegant aluminum siding in America.” But seriously, people like it. (NYT) It really is hard out there for a pimp.  The internet is changing the face of the NYC sex trade, argues sociology prof Sudhir Venkatesh. According to one ex-pimp: “You learn one thing,” he said. “For […]
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Join us as we count down to Bacchanal 2011…
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The sanctity of the Butler reference room has been tarnished. Quiet frustration spreads, while girlish squeals echo across 114th street. 409ers have whipped out their ear plugs. “WHAT IS WITH ALL THE SCREAMING WOMEN,” pleads one frenzied tipster. It seems sorority rush is in full swing. Honestly, guys, it’s really not that bad. Update: One […]
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Free foods tonight: Courtesy of Habitat for Humanity. Visit them tonight at 8 p.m. in Earl Hall Auditorium, and have a look at their photo exhibition while you’re there. Alternatively, you might want to stop by The Culinary Society’s Erotic Cake Competition. 10 different teams will be tested on their cakes’ taste, originality, and appearance. […]
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Last night, Conor Skelding attended the first of the three hearings organized by USenate’s Task Force on Military Engagement. These hearings mark the preliminary stage of the Senate investigation into ROTC’s potential return. Here’s his report: The first public hearing by the Senate’s Task Force on Military Engagement was held in the IAB Altschul Auditorium, where […]
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Spring has Sprung!?

The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and it’s no longer so treacherous to take five steps. Or is it a false alarm? Merely Mother Nature’s cruel trick to lure us out of our layers and self-pity, only to dump another few inches on us and giggle? You decide in our latest poll (see […]
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What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
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as someone who has class at tc and then at barnard, cut through milbank on 119th instead of going through (read more)
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shoutout GEOLOGYYYY (read more)
Burrito Stratigraphy
October 6, 2024
Great article. I would like to mention that a HAIR (long hair) was found in my Hooda while I was (read more)
Hooda-palooza: Campus Food Truck Review
October 5, 2024

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