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Posts Tagged with "puppy-filled study breaks"

Hot dog! The puppies are here. Well, not exactly right here, but a short stroll away. Head over to Broadway and 104th to visit the Animal Haven adoption van. The cuddling opportunity lasts until 3pm. In an ideal world, the puppy truck would return to College Walk during finals. Let this be our official plea.

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Senior Satow Correspondents Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey report from this week’s CCSC meeting. They recap a student-run wellness initiative, financial aid communication and reform, the possibility of junior regroup during housing, a vegan composter, and brownstones for general lottery. Student Wellness Project Karishma Habbu, the Student Services Rep, and Wilfred Chan, webmaster, unveiled the Student […]

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Anything Goes

Canine Enthusiast Sam Warren tipped these pictures of a puppy in Butler this morning. And it was wearing a sweater. That is all.  

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Bwog puppy-cuddler Claire Sabel found a puppy adoption truck parked on 104 and Broadway.  It’s too bad we can’t keep them in our dorms, but they look like they’re fun to play with!

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It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…the latest news from Student Government! CCSC: VP for Campus Life Deysy Ordonez outlined the much-anticipated schedule for College Days, the CC version of E-Week, which will start April 9. Among the highlights: all College Days events, including King’s Ball, will be completely free, Tuesday will see a live […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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