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My name is Yael and I am Staff Writer at a public policy think tank called the Breakthrough Institute. We are recruiting student applicants for our paid and highly selective summer fellowship program. Our Project Director, Devon Swezey, and I will be on campus Thursday February 25th in preparation for the All Ivy Career Fair. […]
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Jim Downie, Chief Housing Or Lack Thereof Correspondent, covers the lecture of Professor Brendan O’Flaherty, an associate professor of economics and the co-director of Columbia’s Center for Homelessness Prevention Studies. His Facebook fan group claims: “whenever we get an email from we all feel 1/5th of an orgasm.” Due to the recession, more families are turning […]
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The New York Times is collaborating with not us NYU Journalism School on a new news platform, covering the East Village. (Yahoo) In a bizarre twist to the recruitment video phenomenon, Tufts now offers the option to applicants to submit videos to YouTube as part of their application. (NYT) A Columbia student on Survivor! (CBS) The […]
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Dear Friends: Please join the staff of The Blue and White and the Bwog (pictured at right) for our meeting tonight, Monday night, at 9:30 p. m. in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel. We ‘ll continue planning our next issue and getting updates from writers, but we’ll also talk social events to celebrate the […]
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Grab that spatula that you haven’t touched in ages and throw away those instant noodles–Cooking with Bwog makes a comeback! That’s right, it’ll be like having reheated leftovers, only better, and this time we’re not just talking vending machines or microwaves; maybe you’ll finally get the chance to use that rice vinegar your grandma mailed […]
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The rumors are both true and false, we guess: gender neutral housing will not be an option for the 2010-2011 housing year. Bwog chatted with Sean Udell, VP of CC 2011 and Treasurer of CQA, about the decision from the deans, and what the plan is going forward. While the decision to not allow gender […]
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Bwog has received word that until midnight tonight, CU Assassins has been suspended. According to tipsters, there was a security hole in the website that allowed other players to gain valuable knowledge about their targets with little information required. We’re assuming ESC is frantically doing engineer-y things to fix this. “The Management” advises players to […]
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One of the greatest perks of an Ivy League education is having all sorts of guest lecturers and talks hosted right on campus. Yet many of these great talks are not publicized enough. Enter Bucket List, a new weekly feature that aggregates these events in a single location that will hopefully make you realize, like […]
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Mark Rudd, a student leader in the 1968 riots, speaks out about burning 10 years of a professor’s work. (NPR) Some retired NYC teachers get over $100,000/year in pensions. (NYPost) The number of black students enrolled in esteemed NYC schools dropped by 10% under Bloomberg’s watch. (NYDaily) Taxis will start offering a ride-sharing service on […]
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And it is snowing peacefully on Lerner 5 tonight.
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Columbia University’s School of the Arts Theatre Class of 2012 Presents: Collaboration I: Adaptation Date: Monday, February 22, 2010 Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm Location: Schapiro Theater Street: 605 W 115th St (In the basement of the Schapiro Dorm) Cost: FREE!!! 6 Playwrights 6 Directors 22 Actors 7 Dramaturgs 3 Stage Managers + =========== 6 new […]
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE. Sophie Jones just did gods work!!! It was so funny and presented some very vital information (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
This article is so amazing. Thank you for this incredible investigative work. (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
Super informative! (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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