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Everybody’s favorite little piece of Mexico on Amsterdam is currently closed for renovation, and there is no word on when it will be back up. And that “everyone” includes two 20-something males overheard saying “We’ve been foiled again!” as they looked sadly upon the closed restaurant. Full sign after the jump.
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In this latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of friendly faces around campus, Sagacity Bureau Chief Mahrah Taufique interviews a reluctant-to-be-interviewed Pascale, the wise man of John Jay security Walk into John Jay, and if Pascale Kabore is sitting at the security desk, you will be greeted like a long-lost friend. He cracks a slow smile […]
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Take some time to look at this new Calvin Klein ad in SoHo and think, does it offend you? (Gothamist) Take some time to read today’s New York Post (founded by King’s College’s own Alexander Hamilton!) …That is, while you can, given its current rate of circulation decrease. (NYT) Firefighters took a little too much […]
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Hey, remember that proposed smoking ban? The survey for that ban was originally supposed to be e-mailed to a random sampling of students on Nov. 4, but as you probably have realized by now, nobody’s received it yet. Turns out, it’s a communication thing. CCSC VP for Policy Sarah Weiss tells Bwog the council can’t […]
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Ornithology Apprentice Eliza Shapiro insists that Hawkmadinejad has returned to campus.    We, for one, welcome the return of the talon-wielding overlord.
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Its across-Broadway cousin may get all the attention, but Famiglia’s has its defenders. Local Cheese-and-Tomatoes Correspondent Liz Naiden makes the case. Famous Famiglia’s is in a tough spot – pitiable, really. Across the street, Koronet’s catches the drunk and the indiscriminate, while other nearby restaurants often snag the sober remainders with slices that are a […]
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Deputy Price Comparison Correspondent Anish Bramhandkar found this note on Ferris Booth’s comments board:
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A few Upper East Side restaurants–including one called One Fish Two Fish (really?!)–refuse to make deliveries 15 blocks north in East Harlem. (New York Post) Though they complain when you whip out your debit card, cab drivers are actually growing to love the pay-by-card system. (New York Times) Sweet justice! A man accused of plagiarizing […]
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Another game, another long list of turnovers: Three fumbles and three interceptions, several at crucial times, doomed the Lions to another Ivy league loss, 34-14 to Harvard.  The Crimson (now 5-0 in Ivy play) sprinted out to a 21-0 lead in the first quarter, but not without help: first, Columbia (1-4 Ivy, 2-6 overall) fumbled […]
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Tired as the “poor college student” cliché may be, it’s based on some unfortunate reality. And, since heavens knows we can’t depend on the meal-plan to keep us happy, healthy, and free of scurvy, Bwog presents the smart shopper’s guide to getting stuff college students really want for cheap. Got suggestions for stores (within walking […]
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Mark Hay may not be a native New Yorker, but he’s taking steps in the right direction. Bloomberg wins New York. Sometimes it is hard to understand the city we live in. But certainly the last week, the introspection brought about by Bloomberg’s hegemony and victory, has given me the time to realize that, torn […]
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Bwog’s very own stand-up comedian theater connoisseur Dane Cook reports from the premier. This weekend’s production of Family and Other Strangers, put on by King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe, defers from the Bard for a moment to showcase the writing of Edward Albee. Pairing two of Albee’s earliest one-act plays, the show is a satirical ride […]
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Please renovate and expand the lobbies, lounges, and common spaces, especially in the freshman dorms. Bring back the chandeliers, wood (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 20, 2024
a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024
Building inspections are a scam. Back in 2010 contractors reported little old ladies for illegal basements and the next day (read more)
Bwoglines: Typhoons And Media Tycoons Edition
September 19, 2024

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