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Roone Aldridge Cinema, Lerner Hall The Columbia University International Relations Forum presents “How to Not Fix the Middle East” with Prof. Martin Kramer. Prof. Jack Snyder, Director of the Undergraduate Political Science Department, will moderate. Martin Kramer will also most likely be discussing the Joseph Massad tenure, and his critique of other MEALAC Professors at […]
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SEEJ Study Break

Lerner East Ramp Lounge Students for Environmental and Economic Justice is hosting a fair trade tea study break. Come join our tea party, have some snacks, and learn more about fair trade!
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Netflix: Violence!

Movie Man Mark Hay is back, with a vengeance. A few days ago, a Columbia professor up and decked a female co-worker in the face. Totally uncalled for, totally unexpected, and totally scintillating violence. Somehow, as a result, your reviewer has spent the past week arguing the relative merits of violence in film and the […]
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The Hindu Student Organization/Ahimsa’s Diwali Celebration is sold out, but enter your name on the waitlist and you’ll still have a chance of free food come 8:00. Also, Bwogger Anish Bramhandkar hears from inside sources that eventually doors will be opened to everyone. If ye be patient, be fed! Photo via Wikimedia Commons
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Mark Hay, Bwog’s Master of the Millennium Village, makes a man want to speak Spanish. No Columbia celebrity packs a room quite like Jeffrey Sachs. Invited by the young student group Delta GDP to speak on his already notorious views on development programs in impoverished nations, this brief and cursory event filled a rather uncomfortable […]
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B&W editor and Bwog tipster Mariela Quintana poses a question that even we can’t answer: Who took the baby that the stork dropped off in front of Tomo?
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Varsity Show Auditions

Saturday November 14 Hamilton 407 Sunday November 15 Kent 424
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Lerner West Ramp Lounge Contact email: For only $3, you can bring in any clean clothes and accessories to trade, enjoy a variety of finger foods, and be automatically entered to win a multitude of stylish raffle prizes! For every piece of clothing or accessory that you bring in, you are allowed to swap […]
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Impending Dhoom

Hannah Goldstein, the “Madonna of Bollywood Dance Journalism,” reports: In keeping with its exhibitionist tendencies, Dhoom, Columbia’s Bollywood-fusion dance team, opened up rehearsal last night to its hordes of devotees; before an audience of friends, team alums, and general dance lovers, the sixteen-member group rehearsed its official 2009-2010 competition number, which is to be performed […]
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Gates & Buffett come to Lerner to assure us that the worst is over. (Spec) Afraid of the Internet? Don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be ok. Upper-Westsiders get an Apple Store to call their own; Jobs junkies wait outside all night.(Gothamist) New license plate design is really a calculated nostalgia-evoking strategy, according to its designers. Not […]
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Discover who you really are! Be a Powersuite! We updated our comment policy
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The moment of truth has finally arrived for New York City: the anticipated H1N1 flu vaccine has officially become more selective than the average community college. In an effort to keep our readers healthy (even if they do happen to be non-pregnant, 24-year-old-or-older baby haters), Bwog presents the latest Health Services update detailing who exactly is […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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