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Posts Tagged with "arrest"

Six weeks ago, fellow students informed Bwog of an incident near Low Library, in which NYPD officers arrested a man on the Columbia campus. Bwog’s delay in publishing this story was on account of waiting for information from the NYPD and Public Safety—the latter of whom sent Bwog a statement this past week.

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Bwog received tips that a few moments ago, there was an arrest outside of John Jay residence hall. A man was reportedly tackled by a plainclothes cop, and subsequently more NYPD and Public Safety officers came to help with the situation. Before the apprehension, an officer shouted at a CU student, “Stop that man!” Apparently […]

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Several tipsters have confirmed that two students people were arrested in McBain about 15 minutes ago. They were led out of the lobby in handcuffs and taken away in a police car. The security guard in McBain reportedly says that the two were not Columbia students and the arrest “was the result of an altercation.” […]

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Arrest on Campus

An unidentified person was arrested minutes ago on College Walk. According to a tipster, the cab on the right is actually an undercover cop car (just like the movies!), and another tipster informed us that the person arrested was a man wearing a backpack shouting, “What did I do?” Apparently around a dozen cops surrounded […]

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Earlier this afternoon, NYPD officers arrested and handcuffed a man in the Lerner bookstore. Police officers on the scene declined to comment and Community Affairs at the 26th Precinct was unavailable. A Public Safety officer near the scene said that there had also been a call for help from a man being assaulted in the subway, […]

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Anthony Johnson, CC ’13, was arrested on Tuesday after a package he ordered containing 42 fake IDs was intercepted in Lerner. Spec reports that he went into the scheme with a group of friends, who each ordered two cards. He has been suspended from school until his court date in June, and charged with 42 […]

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A tipster reports that a Columbia student was arrested at Westside around midnight tonight. According to a cashier, the suspect had shoplifted before, but was finally caught tonight, and led away in tears. Update (1:50): Ricky, the manager at Westside, confirms that a female student was arrested. He noticed her put about $60 worth of […]

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Undercover police have made an arrest on Broadway outside Lerner. More details to come! Update: Bwog asked a police officer on the scene for information about the incident, but was told that no details of the arrest could be released. Public Safety also tells us that it has not received any news on the situation. […]

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