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Posts Tagged with "fake IDs"

For the first-years who don’t know, Cannon’s was a Columbia bar at 108th and Broadway. While the business hadn’t actually been called Cannon’s since 2004 (it turned into O’Connell’s, and then into Tara Hill), the venerated bar was a well-attended watering hole since the 1930’s. Last June, Cannon’s announced that it would be shutting its […]

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As the weather gets colder, the balance in your bank account gets lower, and going anywhere further than your suite’s bathroom gets more exhausting, heading to 1020 on a Friday night is not as enchanting a prospect as it may have been earlier in the semester. One Bwogger explains why, for them, that prospect has […]

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Tonight, many of you will discover another difference between Columbia and all the rural/”college town” schools your friends are currently at: while they will make it through all four years being entertained by frat parties and “college bars,” if you want to experience all the nightlife New York has to offer, you will need to […]

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Night number two of this year’s Halloweekend—that’s a thing, we swear… use it—brings with it the longest line Morningside Heights has seen since Campo Mike first introduced “Cloud Nine Saturdays” (may they rest in peace). And fear not, freshpeople, you don’t even need a fake ID once you reach the front! A tipster reports a […]

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We’ve seen you “going out” at night, freshpeople. Don’t worry, we were all awkward like you at some point: handing a bouncer some poorly-made fake and praying you remembered your zip code. The Bwog staff empathizes with you as we share some stories and nuggets of information about the one thing in your wallet you […]

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Anthony Johnson, CC ’13, was arrested on Tuesday after a package he ordered containing 42 fake IDs was intercepted in Lerner. Spec reports that he went into the scheme with a group of friends, who each ordered two cards. He has been suspended from school until his court date in June, and charged with 42 […]

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If you don’t have a fake ID today and plan on going to a bar in New York City that isn’t a teen club  you should get one tomorrow morning. Below, tales of stories of Bwoggers’ first fakes. Hi, Mom! I got my first fake ID in the parking lot of a Ross Department Store […]

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Pretty soon (August 30th doth approach!) dozens upon hundreds of fresh-things will run around campus screaming and sitting outside Carman just waiting for something, anything to happen. We want to help them out. We’re reviving an old Bwog tradition and sharing stories of our first nights at college (if you did something funny or sad […]

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A CUID deity has fallen. Fraudulent CUID detective John Nordin has tipped that Rita Hollander’s ID– the CUID to which we are all meant to aspire– has expired! As of May 2009, the robotic Ms. Hollander, the (semi) anonymous face of the CUID, is no longer a registered member of the Columbia community. It’s going […]

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1020 “Stung”

The neighborhood is already losing one fine establishment, and now another is in trouble with The Man: tipsters confirm that old standby 1020 was raided hit by an NYPD sting operation last night.  According to patrons, three cops showed up with fake IDs, and proceeded to fine 1020 $10,000. No word on whether there were […]

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With Mona and Roadhouse closed down, the Morningside bar scene just got a little thinner. But there’s still stuff out there (MOST OF ALL THE WEST END [a.k.a. “Havana Central”] WHERE YOU’RE COMING FOR THE BWOG PARTY TONIGHT) and we thought it was time to re-run Addison Anderson’s gargantuan bar crawl from our Orientation 2006 […]

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Left Wing Jihad scores funds? Left Wing Jihadist scores funds! Spec dreads us having to “likely spend more money on better fakes” Oh, you didn’t know? Yo’ ass better caaallll somebodyyy! Man, I forgot how good Giuliani was. Maybe we should have let him cancel that election. Class of 2010 apparently most athletic in history, […]

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