Meet your new, very big, celebrity. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of sexual assault.
From Australia to Louisiana, citizens are pushing for government action. Editor’s Warning: Violence and Death.
Oh how the mighty have fallen, wishing George Santos a recovery Valentine’s Day.
“She is the mother I never had, she is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don’t know a better person.”
Hey you freshpeople, good luck on your Frontiers final today! If you need some last minute guidance, consult the University of Sydney’s bizarre Frontiers of Science website, which chronicles the 1961 Sydney Morning Herald comic strip called, uh, Frontiers of Science. “Everyone is science-conscious these days,” the intro to the comic strip explains, “and this […]
Bwog’s food editor Jon Hill travels this week to Brooklyn to find a taste of Australia. Almost everyone these days seems to have a beef with beef. Cardiologists blame it for clogging arteries, animal rights advocates don’t like the way it’s processed, and environmentalists resent its carbon footprint. Beef has become a bad guy in […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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