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Posts Tagged with "bed bugs"

You’re poor. Furniture’s expensive. But considering your complex manifold identity of both student and “New Yorker,” how important exactly are the two R’s: RA’s and RATS? Tats explores the hardhitting questions so you don’t have to. Dear Tats, I recently procured some lovely, perfectly innocuous furniture off the street — probably some nice couple donating […]

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Good Citizen tipster Luwam Kidane has just informed us that the bed bug crisis is far from over. She just spotted the pesky pests in 409 Butler. Before tipping Bwog, she sent an e-mail to the appropriate authorities and informed someone at the library—we commend her responsibility. She reports that said staff person “was able […]

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Bwog just received the following email: to: subject: bed bugs in 209 just saw one tried to take a picture but it was moving too fast. HELP Sweet dreams!

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Bed Bugs Are Back

It seems our foes are stronger than we first imagined. Tipsters have reported several fresh bed bug sightings on the 4th floor of Butler, and Francie Mrkich, Director of Access Services, confirms the reappearance: This was reported by a student on Saturday and Facilities was notified immediately. I’ll give you an update on the situation […]

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CBS ’11 students Balazs Alexa and Jean Meyer have created Date My School—an online dating site that helps studious, yet social media-inclined students from different universities meet each other. The site “now has more than 7,000 users, including some from the Fashion Institute of Technology because, Mr. Meyer said, a friend convinced him that there […]

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Columbia history Ph.D. student Megan Doherty strikes back at Glenn Beck. (HuffPo) Taiwanese CGI animates those creepy bed bugs that have been taking over our lives! (Gothamist) Riding the subway can often be a trial. Subway door-standers don’t make things any better. (City Room) Maryland company rents drug-sniffing dogs to paranoid parents. (Gawker) This year’s […]

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Open (read: gender-neutral) housing at CU–it could happen! (Spec) Columbia Professor Marc Lamont Hill is suing a Philadelphia police officer in a civil rights lawsuit. Though the police have yet to comment, Bwog suspects that, like Bill O’Reilly, the police officer may have thought Professor Hill looked a bit like a cocaine dealer. (ABC News) The […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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