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Posts Tagged with "black history month"

Staff Writer Paula Carrión attended an engaging conversation about a group of Black women writers who changed the cultural scene of the 1970s and who call themselves The Sisterhood.

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A balloon ban in California plus some worldwide weather in today’s Bwoglines! Editor’s note: mention of death.

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In case you were wondering, the alligator has been nicknamed Godzilla. Editor’s Note: Mentions of death.

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A derailed train has caused toxic chemicals to pose a threat to a small town in Ohio. Poor Ohio. Editor’s note: mentions of violence.

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February is Black History Month! Celebrate with the many amazing events happening on campus this week.

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During their third meeting of the semester, CCSC met on Zoom to discuss a wide array of topics.

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If the birds do indeed work for the bourgeoisie, we’re gonna have a problem.

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On Tuesday, April 9th, 1968 Spec reported on Columbia’s closure to mourn the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. College President Grayson Kirk announced the shutdown, closing all campus buildings and cancelling classes after receiving a letter from The Concerned Black Students (an ad hoc group formed on campus). He initially planned on closing Columbia for […]

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To kick off a month of remembrance and reflection, Tamika Mallory, civil rights leader and co-chair for the Women’s March on Washington, will speak tonight for Black History Month’s opening ceremony. Mallory has worked with the Obama administration on a number of different issues, as well as in NYC on the Crisis Management System. The event is […]

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BEYONCÉ.  The Society for the Advancement of Underrepresented Filmmakers (SAUF) has released a music video for Beyoncé’s “Flawless” to commemorate the transition from Black History Month into Women’s History Month.  It’s absolutely wonderful, but if you don’t believe us, just look for yourself:

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Howard Dean comes to Columbia, rips on McCain, and tells you to run for office: We don’t need no stinking think tanks!  Yeaaaaaaaaah! “That’s What God Said.”  Did you hear that Scott Stringer? From Butler chairs to the USenate: GS Housing circus comes full circle.  At least the Senate chairs look more comfortable. TC students, […]

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Conoce. Know.

SEE CORRECTION ABOVE. As part of Black History Month, there was a blood-free HIV testing event on College Walk today (Wednesday) in order to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic in the African-American community. It was open to the community, and we’re not sure how many test-ees were Columbia affiliates and how many weren’t, but […]

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  In which Columbia dining connoisseur Dena Yago informs how much soul she got for her swipe at last night’s John Jay dinner: Kicking off Black History month, John Jay held what is colloquially referred to as “Black Night.” DVD’s and CD’s of Sidney Poitier and Mary J. Blige were tactfully set up over the […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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