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Posts Tagged with "harriman institute"

This week’s events include an advance screening of The Fall Guy, an event on the seventy-five year-long history of the Indian Constitution, and a Comparative & International Law Workshop.

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Happy February! This week’s events include indoor roller skating in Roone, a business conference by the Columbia Women’s Business Society, and a World Leader’s Forum event on Nordic-Baltic Voices on Critical Geopolitical Issues.

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Happy last full week of October! This week’s events include a panel discussion moderated by Professor Hillary Clinton, an ethnography of Russia, and a workshop on Allyship & Intersectionality.

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Mikhail Zygar, a renowned writer and journalist, spoke at the Harriman Institute regarding his new book and the beliefs and narratives that led to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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Happy first full week of fall! Events this week include a book launch, a discussion with the Dutch Minister of Defense, and a panel analysis on the effects of the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision on affirmative action in college admissions.

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On Tuesday, Charlie Bonkowsky attended “A Conversation With Galina Timchenko of Meduza,” hosted jointly by the Harriman Institute and the Columbia Journalism School.

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This week’s events include the Columbia University Wind Ensemble’s Spring Concert, lectures from the Women’s History Month series, and a celebration of Ukrainian art!

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Welcome back from break! Gender justice is the theme for this week’s EEOC, with events including three film screenings, a law school class, drag bingo, and a visit with the President of Slovenia.

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The Church At War

Last Friday, at the Harriman Institute, Dr. Dima Adamsky headlined a lecture and discussion on the actions and contributions of the Russian Orthodox Church during the war between Russia and Ukraine.

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Interested in energy policy? Bulgarian novels? Brazilian politics? Then this week’s events roundup may be for you!

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Why wouldn’t you want to learn about the history of guide dogs? Editor’s warning: Mentions of police violence, racism, and sexual misconduct

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In 2021, Anna Frajlich’s Polish-language poetry collection Imię Ojca/Im’ia Bat’ka (The Name of the Father) received its first translation into Ukrainian. On Wednesday, February 16, Deputy Events Editor Ava Slocum attended the Harriman Institute’s book talk and poetry reading for the new edition, translated last year by Vasyl Makhno.

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