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Posts Tagged with "black holes"

Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email if you want your event featured.

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On Thursday, December 15th, alumnus Miguel Martinez spoke on the mergers of triple systems within clustered and isolated environments in space.

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On Wednesday, Staff Writer Charlie Bonkowsky attended two talks at the Astronomy Department: on binary star systems and their evolution, by Katelyn Breivik, and on high-energy black hole flares, by Bart Ripperda.

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Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email if you want your event featured.

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Take Monday, add some salt, toss in basil, and vwa-lah, you got yourself a Tuesday.

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Last night in Pupin, the Astronomy Department opened its doors to both the Columbia community and the public for its regular Stargazing and Lecture series event. Bwog has sent writers to cover the last few starry Friday night programs, and this week staffer and Friday Night Lights fan Amara Banks was lucky enough to check […]

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Black holes seem fake, but they’re actually real, visible, and somewhat understandable, thanks to scientists, large telescopes, and lots of math. Bwogger Nadra Rahman attended a biweekly “Stargazing and Lecture series” given by graduate student Shuo Zhang last night in Pupin, titled “Our Monster Black Hole.” Nadra lived to tell the tale (and dish some […]

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Bwog’s resident Star Gazer Zach Kagan writes in with tidbits of information from Hugh Crowl‘s lecture, “When Bad Things Happen to Good Galaxies,” on doom and gloom for major galaxies. Behold the cosmic drama! The Audience at the most recent Public Lecture and Stargazing, held in the bowels of Pupin (correctly pronounced “pew-PEEN”) Hall, spanned […]

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