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Posts Tagged with "alumni"

In the second installment of BwogBooks, a series focused on CU authors, staff writer Maren Frey reviews Homesick for Another World by Barnard alum, Otessa Moshfegh!

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For the first installment of BwogBooks, a series focused on CU authors, Staff Writer Maren Frey highlights one of her all-time favorite books, The White Tiger.

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Love to read? Don’t love to read? Only read Bwog? Well, Bwog’s new column BwogBooks seeks to introduce you to some amazing alumni reads!

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On Thursday, December 15th, alumnus Miguel Martinez spoke on the mergers of triple systems within clustered and isolated environments in space.

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This week’s ESC General Body Meeting featured Columbia Engineering Alumni Association VP Tom McManus and discussion about creating a SEAS film minor.

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Dear CU finance bros, Jealous of all your pals geeking out about their favorite alumni? Feeling lost, like you have no one you can look up to? Look no further, for what I’m about to share will have your heart beating faster than when you hear that there’s a UBS rep on campus.

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In keeping with the unofficial tradition of bring back alumni for Class Day, Columbia College has secured Dan Futterman, CC ’89, for the keynote address of Columbia College Class Day 2014, as announced in an email by senior class president Conan Cassidy (full email down below). Futterman is an award-winning actor and screenwriter, most well […]

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After graduating from Columbia last year, Adam May, CC ’11, headed to Israel to volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces. On his blog, he chronicled his journey through basic training and assignment into Dover Tzahal, the Army’s media division. Now, he works as a military journalist, writing articles about the IDF for an international audience. Bwog: […]

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Eli Sanders, CC ’99, just won a Pulitzer for his harrowing feature, “The Bravest Woman in Seattle,” in the Seattle weekly, The Stranger. Bwog called him to figure out how journalism works. Bwog: So what was your major? Eli: Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures, I don’t know if they have that anymore. MEALAC? Bwog: […]

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Earlier today, the Columbia College Fund sent out an email to young alumni, hat in hand. Opening with a stirring description about we lucky students who are “experiencing life at Columbia College,” the email made a huge mistake. In a zealous sentence devoted to the Core, the Alumni Center gushed about “comparing the Republic to […]

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However, immunity from gratuitous administrator emails is not one of them. Want a sneak peak at your future inbox? Want to see if you’ll be among the select few special enough to be used by Deantini to brag about the College? Oh, and Dean, it’s “Roar, Lion, Roar!”

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John W. Kluge, CC ’37 and a major donor to the University, passed away today. Kluge came to Columbia on scholarship after leaving Germany for America at the age of 16. He went on to become a billionaire primarily in the telecom and media industries. Over his lifetime he made several gifts to Columbia acknowledging […]

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CC’10 Salutatorian and baller fencer Jeff Spear has been named the Academic All-American of the year by ESPN. B&W alum Marc Tracy talks to B-Baller Bruce Robbins about the sacredness (and Jewishness!) of Ulysses. More for Joyce-devotees and regular people: Tablet is hosting a Bloomsday celebration next Wednesday. Six CU alumni and faculty pwned The […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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